This procedure is defined in the server but not documented via ad_proc or proc_doc and may be intended as a private interface.

The procedure is defined as:

proc ::sgml::tokenise {sgml elemExpr elemSub args} {
    array set options {-final 1}
    catch {array set options $args}
    set options(-final) [Boolean $options(-final)]

    # If the data is not final then there must be a variable to store
    # unused data.
    if {!$options(-final) && ![info exists options(-statevariable)]} {
        return -code error {option "-statevariable" required if not final}

    # Pre-process stage
    # Extract the internal DTD subset, if any

    catch {upvar #0 $options(-internaldtdvariable) dtd}
    if {[regexp {<!DOCTYPE[^[<]+\[([^]]+)\]} $sgml discard dtd]} {
        regsub {(<!DOCTYPE[^[<]+)(\[[^]]+\])} $sgml {\1\&xml:intdtd;} sgml

    # Protect Tcl special characters
    regsub -all -- {([{}\\])} $sgml {\\\1} sgml

    # Do the translation

    if {[info exists options(-statevariable)]} {
        upvar #0 $opts(-statevariable) unused
        if {[info exists unused]} {
            regsub -all -- $elemExpr $unused$sgml $elemSub sgml
            unset unused
        } else {
            regsub -all -- $elemExpr $sgml $elemSub sgml
        set sgml "{} {} {} \{$sgml\}"

        # Performance note (Tcl 8.0):
        #	Use of lindex, lreplace will cause parsing to list object

        if {[regexp {^([^<]*)(<[^>]*$)} [lindex $sgml end] x text unused]} {
            set sgml [lreplace $sgml end end $text]

    } else {

        # Performance note (Tcl 8.0):
        #	In this case, no conversion to list object is performed

        regsub -all -- $elemExpr $sgml $elemSub sgml
        set sgml "{} {} {} \{$sgml\}"

    return $sgml


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