util::resources::http_get_with_default (private)

 util::resources::http_get_with_default -url url -key key \
    [ -expires expires ] [ -default default ]

Defined in packages/acs-tcl/tcl/utilities-procs.tcl

Run an HTTP request, which might not be always possible (e.g., when the site has no Internet connection). Therefore, the call will return a default value. This function is to be called for non-essential calls, like e.g. obtaining the newest version of library, etc. The result is cached by default for 5 minutes.

URL for the GET request
cache key
(defaults to "5m") (optional)
time how long the entry is to be cached
body of the request

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 util::resources::cdnjs_get_newest_version util::resources::cdnjs_get_newest_version (public) util::resources::http_get_with_default util::resources::http_get_with_default util::resources::cdnjs_get_newest_version->util::resources::http_get_with_default util::resources::check_vulnerability util::resources::check_vulnerability (public) util::resources::check_vulnerability->util::resources::http_get_with_default util::http::get util::http::get (public) util::resources::http_get_with_default->util::http::get

No testcase defined.
Source code:
        try {
            ::acs::misc_cache eval -expires $expires acs-tcl.get_with_default-$key {
                # Newer versions (NaviServer 5 or 4.99.31 or newer)
                # have auto_sni, so plain "ns_http" can be used. For
                # backwards compatibility, use ::util::http::get,
                # which contains a logic to add manually the SNI
                # hostname for HTTPS requests.
                set d [::util::http::get -url $url]
                if {[dict get $d status] ne 200} {
                    ns_log warning "request to $url led to unexpected status code: [dict get $d status]"
                    set result $default
                } else {
                    set result [dict get $d page]
        } on ok {result} {
        } on error {errorMsg} {
            ns_log warning "request to $url led to: $errorMsg"
            set result $default
        return $result
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