xowiki::update_item_index (public)
xowiki::update_item_index -item_id item_id [ -name name ] \ [ -package_id package_id ] [ -parent_id parent_id ] \ [ -publish_status publish_status ] \ [ -page_template page_template ] [ -assignee assignee ] \ [ -state state ] [ -hstore_attributes hstore_attributes ]
Defined in packages/xowiki/tcl/xowiki-procs.tcl
Helper function to update single or multiple fields of the xowiki_form_instance_item_index. Call this function only when updating fields of the xowiki_form_instance_item_index in cases where the standard API based on save and save_use can not be used.
- Switches:
- -item_id (required)
- -name (optional)
- -package_id (optional)
- -parent_id (optional)
- -publish_status (optional)
- -page_template (optional)
- -assignee (optional)
- -state (optional)
- -hstore_attributes (optional)
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- slot_interactions
Source code: set updates {} foreach var { name package_id parent_id publish_status page_template assignee state } { if {[info exists $var]} { lappend updates "$var = :$var" } } if {[info exists hstore_attributes]} { set hkey [::xowiki::hstore::dict_as_hkey $hstore_attributes] lappend updates "hkey = '$hkey'" } if {[llength $updates] > 0} { set setclause [join $updates ,] xo::dc dml update_xowiki_form_instance_item_index [subst { update xowiki_form_instance_item_index set $setclause where item_id = :item_id }] }XQL Not present: Generic, PostgreSQL, Oracle