Class ::acs::DocHelper (public)

 ::nx::Class ::acs::DocHelper[i]

Defined in packages/acs-bootstrap-installer/tcl/00-proc-procs.tcl

Helper class to determine the sourcefile, where some "public", "private", or plain "methods" is defined. The mixin is just active during initial bootstrap of the server. The definition assumes, that all definitions for a class are from the same file.

No testcase defined.
Source code:
        :method register_filename {} {
            nsv_set proc_source_file " Class [self]" [info script]
            #ns_log notice "INIT registered epoch [ns_ictl epoch] [self] script [info script]"
        :public method method {args} {
            # Intercept "method" definitions to record the current
            # filename for the API browser.
            return [next]
        :public method public {what name args} {
            # Intercept "public method" definitions to record the
            # current filename for the API browser.
            return [next]
        :public method protected {what name args} {
            # Intercept "protected method" definitions to record the
            # current filename for the API browser.
            return [next]
        # Alternate approach, would require a small change in NX.
        # :public method create {name args} {
        #     #ns_log notice "INIT create [self] $name (epoch [ns_ictl epoch])"
        #     set r [next]
        #     if {[self] eq "::nx::Class" && [ns_ictl epoch] < 2} {
        #         set key " Class $name"
        #         nsv_set proc_source_file $key [info script]
        #         ns_log notice "INIT nsv_set proc_source_file $key [info script]"
        #         #
        #         # Problem with
        #         #    ::nx::Class create ::acs::SiteNode {
        #         #        ... :create site_node
        #         #    }
        #     }
        #     return $r
        # }
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