Class ::canvas::API (public)
::nx::Class ::canvas::API [ -baseurl baseurl ] [ -token token ] \ [ -version version ]
Defined in packages/xooauth/tcl/canvas-procs.tcl
Basic Canvas API for OAuth calls. For details, see
- Switches:
- -baseurl (optional)
- starting URL
- -token (optional)
- auth token
- -version (optional)
- Version of the API
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
Source code: :property {baseurl} :property {token} :property {version v1} :method request { {-method:required} {-content_type "application/json; charset=utf-8"} {-token} {-vars ""} {-url:required} } { if {[string match http* $url]} { # # If we have a full URL, just pass everything up # set result [next] } else { # # We have a relative URL (has to start with a # slash). Prepend "" as # prefix. # set tokenArg [expr {[info exists token] ? [list -token $token] : {}}] set result [next [list -method $method -content_type $content_type {*}$tokenArg -vars $vars -url ${:baseurl}/api/${:version}$url]] } #ns_log notice HEADERS=[:pp [ns_set array [dict get $result headers]]] # # handle Canvas pagination (return current/next/first link) # foreach entry [:parse_link_value [ns_set iget [dict get $result headers] link ""]] { ns_log notice "CHECK '$entry'" if {[dict exists $entry params] && [dict exists $entry url]} { foreach param [dict get $entry params] { if {[lindex $param 0] eq "rel"} { dict set result link [lindex $param 1] [dict get $entry url] } } } } return $result } :public method token { {-grant_type "client_credentials"} {-scope ""} {-assertion ""} {-client_assertion_type "urn:ietf:params:oauth:client-assertion-type:jwt-bearer"} -requested_token_use } { # # Get bearer token (access token) from the /oauth2/v2.0/token endpoint. # # # #error "not implemented yet" # # Get the access-token from /token endpoint. # set r [:request -method POST -content_type "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -vars { {client_secret ${:client_secret}} {client_id ${:client_id}} scope grant_type assertion client_assertion_type requested_token_use } -url ${:baseurl}/login/oauth2/token] ns_log notice "/token POST Request Answer: $r" # # Current errors: # assertion method not supported for this grant_type" # <h1>Page Error</h1> <p>Something broke unexpectedly. # #return $access_token } :method parse_link_params {pairs} { lmap pair $pairs { set pair [string trim $pair] if {![regexp {^(.*)=(.*)$} $pair . key value]} continue list $key [string trim $value \"] } } :method parse_link_value {link} { # # Parse the provided link. # # Link = "Link" ":" #("<" URI ">" *( ";" link-param ) # link-param = ( ( "rel" "=" relationship ) # | ( "rev" "=" relationship ) # | ( "title" "=" quoted-string ) # | ( "anchor" "=" <"> URI <"> ) # | ( link-extension ) ) # link-extension = token [ "=" ( token | quoted-string ) ] set result "" while {1} { if {$link eq ""} { break } set startURL [string first < $link] set endURL [string first > $link] if {$startURL == -1 || $endURL == -1 || $startURL > $endURL} { error "invalid link header field: '$link'" } set url [string range $link $startURL+1 $endURL-1] set remainder [string range $link $endURL+1 end] if {[regexp {^\s*[;]\s*(.*)$} $remainder . remainder]} { # has params set endParams [string first , $remainder] if {$endParams == -1} { set params $remainder set remainder "" } else { set params [string range $remainder 0 $endParams-1] set remainder [string range $remainder $endParams+1 end] } set params [:parse_link_params [split $params ";"]] lappend result [list url $url params $params] } set link $remainder } return $result } :method params {varlist} { # # parameter encoding following the parameter conventions # in Canvas # set params {} foreach var $varlist { if {[regexp {^(.*):array$} $var . var]} { set values [:uplevel [list set $var]] if {$values eq ""} continue foreach value $values { lappend params $var\[\]=[ad_urlencode_query $value] } } else { set value [:uplevel [list set $var]] if {$value eq ""} continue lappend params $var=[ad_urlencode_query $value] } } return [join $params &] } :method paginated_result_list {-max_entries r expected_status_code} { # # By default, Canvas returns for a query just the first 10 # results ("pagination"). To obtain more results, it is # necessary to issue multiple requests. If "max_entries" is # specified, the interface tries to get the requested # number of entries. If there are less entries available, # just these are returned. # set resultList [:expect_status_code $r $expected_status_code] if {$max_entries ne ""} { while {1} { set got [llength $resultList] ns_log notice "[self] paginated_result_list: got $got max_entries $max_entries" if {$got >= $max_entries} { set resultList [lrange $resultList 0 $max_entries-1] break } if {[dict exists $r link] && [dict exists [dict get $r link] next]} { set r [:request -method GET -token ${:token} -url [dict get [dict get $r link] next]] lappend resultList {*}[:expect_status_code $r 200] } else { #ns_log notice "=== No next link" break } } } return $resultList } ########################################################### # canvas::API "account" ensemble ########################################################### :public method "account admins" { account_id:integer {-page 1} {-per_page 10} {-max_entries ""} } { # # Get a paginated list of the admins in the account. # # Details: # # @param page Return the nth page of the result set # @param per_page Return this number of entries per page # @param max_entries perform potentially multiple requests # until the requested number of entries can be returned. # set r [:request -method GET -token ${:token} -url /accounts/${account_id}/admins] return [:paginated_result_list -max_entries $max_entries $r 200] } :public method "account courses" { account_id:integer {-with_enrollments ""} {-enrollment_type ""} {-published ""} {-completed ""} {-blueprint ""} {-blueprint_associated ""} {-by_teachers ""} {-by_subaccounts ""} {-hide_enrollmentless_courses ""} {-state ""} {-enrollment_term_id ""} {-search_term ""} {-include ""} {-sort ""} {-order ""} {-search_by ""} {-starts_before ""} {-ends_after ""} {-homeroom ""} {-page 1} {-per_page 10} {-max_entries ""} } { # # Retrieve a paginated list of courses in this account. # # Details: # # @param with_enrollments If true, include only courses # with at least one enrollment. If false, include only # courses with no enrollments. If not present, do not # filter on course enrollment status. # # @param enrollment_type If set, only return courses that # have at least one user enrolled in the course with # one of the specified enrollment types. Allowed values: # teacher, student, ta, observer, designer # # @param published If true, include only published # courses. If false, exclude published courses. If not # present, do not filter on published status. # # @param completed If true, include only completed courses # (these may be in state 'completed', or their enrollment # term may have ended). If false, exclude completed # courses. If not present, do not filter on completed # status. # # @param blueprint If true, include only blueprint # courses. If false, exclude them. If not present, do not # filter on this basis. # # @param blueprint_associated If true, include only # courses that inherit content from a blueprint course. If # false, exclude them. If not present, do not filter on # this basis. # # @param by_teachers List of User IDs of teachers; if # supplied, include only courses taught by one of the # referenced users. # # @param by_subaccounts List of Account IDs; if supplied, # include only courses associated with one of the # referenced subaccounts. # # @param hide_enrollmentless_courses If present, only # return courses that have at least one # enrollment. Equivalent to 'with_enrollments=true'; # retained for compatibility. # # @param state If set, only return courses that are in the # given state(s). By default, all states but “deleted” are # returned. Allowed values: created, claimed, available, # completed, deleted, all. # # @param enrollment_term_id If set, only includes courses # from the specified term. # # @param search_term If set, only includes courses # from the specified term. # # @param include List of extra values to be included. # Allowed values: syllabus_body, term, course_progress, # storage_quota_used_mb, total_students, teachers, # account_name, concluded # # @param sort The column to sort results by. Allowed # values: course_name, sis_course_id, teacher, # account_name # # @param order the order to sort the given column # by. Allowed values: asc, desc # # @param search_by The filter to search by. “course” # searches for course names, course codes, and SIS # IDs. “teacher” searches for teacher names Allowed # values: course, teacher # # @param starts_before If set, only return courses that # start before the value (inclusive) or their enrollment # term starts before the value (inclusive) or both the # course's start_at and the enrollment term's start_at are # set to null. The value should be formatted as: # yyyy-mm-dd or ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ. # # @param ends_after If set, only return courses that end # after the value (inclusive) or their enrollment term # ends after the value (inclusive) or both the course's # end_at and the enrollment term's end_at are set to # null. The value should be formatted as: yyyy-mm-dd or # ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ. # # @param homeroom If set, only return homeroom courses. # # @param page Return the nth page of the result set # @param per_page Return this number of entries per page # @param max_entries perform potentially multiple requests # until the requested number of entries can be returned. # set r [:request -method GET -token ${:token} -url /accounts/${account_id}/courses?[:params {page per_page with_enrollments enrollment_type:array published completed blueprint blueprint_associated by_teachers:array by_subaccounts:array hide_enrollmentless_courses state:array enrollment_term_id search_term include:array sort order search_by starts_before ends_after homeroom }]] return [:paginated_result_list -max_entries $max_entries $r 200] } :public method "account get" { account_id:integer } { # # Retrieve information on an individual account, given by # id or sis sis_account_id. # # Details: set r [:request -method GET -token ${:token} -url /accounts/${account_id}] return [:expect_status_code $r 200] } :public method "account list" { {-page 1} {-per_page 10} {-max_entries ""} } { # # A paginated list of accounts that the current user can # view or manage. Typically, students and even teachers # will get an empty list in response, only account admins # can view the accounts that they are in. # # Details: # # @param page Return the nth page of the result set # @param per_page Return this number of entries per page # @param max_entries perform potentially multiple requests # until the requested number of entries can be returned. # set r [:request -method GET -token ${:token} -url /accounts?[:params {page per_page}]] return [:paginated_result_list -max_entries $max_entries $r 200] } :public method "account permissions" { account_id:integer {-permissions ""} } { # # Returns permission information for the calling user and # the given account. You may use `self` as the account id # to check permissions against the domain root # account. The caller must have an account role or admin # (teacher/TA/designer) enrollment in a course in the # account. # # Details: set r [:request -method GET -token ${:token} -url /accounts/${account_id}/permissions?[:params {permissions:array}]] return [:expect_status_code $r 200] } :public method "account settings" { account_id:integer } { # # Returns all of the settings for the specified account as # a JSON object. The caller must be an Account admin with # the manage_account_settings permission. # # Details: set r [:request -method GET -token ${:token} -url /accounts/${account_id}/settings] return [:expect_status_code $r 200] } ########################################################### # canvas::API "course" ensemble ########################################################### :public method "course users" { course_id:integer {-search_term ""} {-sort ""} {-enrollment_type ""} {-enrollment_role_id ""} {-include ""} {-user_ids ""} {-enrollment_state ""} {-page 1} {-per_page 10} {-max_entries ""} } { # # Returns the paginated list of users in this course. And # optionally the user's enrollments in the course. # # Details: # # @param search_term The partial name or full ID of the # users to match and return in the results list. # # @param sort When set, sort the results of the search # based on the given Allowed values: username, last_login, # email, sis_id # # @param enrollment_type When set, only return users where # the user is enrolled as this type. “student_view” # implies include[]=test_student. This argument is ignored # if enrollment_role is given. Allowed values: teacher, # student, student_view, ta, observer, designer # # @param enrollment_role_id When set, only return courses # where the user is enrolled with the specified # course-level role. This can be a role created with the # Add Role API or a built_in role id with type # 'StudentEnrollment', 'TeacherEnrollment', # 'TaEnrollment', 'ObserverEnrollment', or # 'DesignerEnrollment'. # # @param include Optionally included content. Allowed # values: enrollments, locked, avatar_url, test_student, # bio, custom_links, current_grading_period_scores, uuid # # @param include Optionally included content. Allowed # values: enrollments, locked, avatar_url, test_student, # bio, custom_links, current_grading_period_scores, uuid # # @param user_ids If included, the course users set will # only include users with IDs specified by the # param. # # @param enrollment_state When set, only return users # where the enrollment workflow state is of one of the # given types. “active” and “invited” enrollments are # returned by default. Allowed values: active, invited, # rejected, completed, inactive # # @param page Return the nth page of the result set # @param per_page Return this number of entries per page # @param max_entries perform potentially multiple requests # until the requested number of entries can be returned. # set r [:request -method GET -token ${:token} -url /courses/${course_id}/users?[:params {page per_page search_term sort enrollment_type:array enrollment_role_id include:array user_ids:array enrollment_state:array }]] return [:paginated_result_list -max_entries $max_entries $r 200] } :public method "course activities" { course_id:integer {-page 1} {-per_page 10} {-max_entries ""} } { # # Returns the paginated Returns the current user's # course-specific activity stream, paginated. # # Details: # # @param page Return the nth page of the result set # @param per_page Return this number of entries per page # @param max_entries perform potentially multiple requests # until the requested number of entries can be returned. # set r [:request -method GET -token ${:token} -url /courses/${course_id}/activity_stream?[:params {page per_page}]] return [:paginated_result_list -max_entries $max_entries $r 200] } :public method "course todo" { course_id:integer {-page 1} {-per_page 10} {-max_entries ""} } { # # Returns a paginated list of the current user's # course-specific todo items. # # Details: # # @param page Return the nth page of the result set # @param per_page Return this number of entries per page # @param max_entries perform potentially multiple requests # until the requested number of entries can be returned. # set r [:request -method GET -token ${:token} -url /courses/${course_id}/todo?[:params {page per_page}]] return [:paginated_result_list -max_entries $max_entries $r 200] }XQL Not present: Generic, PostgreSQL, Oracle