Class ::ws::snapshot::Snapshot (public)
::nx::Class ::ws::snapshot::Snapshot
Defined in /usr/local/ns/tcl/nsshell/snapshot.tcl
Collect the following types of things in the workspace
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Source code: :property {elements { vars procs nx-objects xotcl-objects }} # # Set namespace to collect, global by default # :property {namespace ""} # # collector methods # :method "collect vars" {} { # Get vars from specified namespace return [info vars "${:namespace}::*"] } :method "collect procs" {} { # Get vars from specified namespace return [list {*}[info procs "${:namespace}::*"] {*}[nx::Object ::nsf::methods::object::info::lookupmethods "${:namespace}::*"] ] } :method "collect nx-objects" {} { # Get objects from specified namespace return [lmap o [nx::Object info instances -closure ${:namespace}::*] { # # Filter slot objects # if {[string match *::slot::* $o] || [::nx::isSlotContainer $o] } continue set o }] } :method "collect xotcl-objects" {} { # Get objects from specified namespace return [lmap o [xotcl::Object info instances -closure ${:namespace}::*] { # # Filter slot objects # if {[string match *::slot::* $o] || [::nx::isSlotContainer $o] } continue set o }] } :public method "collect all" {} { # # Invoke :collect on each item in :elements and return a # dict representation, where :element items are keys and # outputs of :collect are values. # foreach e ${:elements} { dict set d $e [:collect $e] } return $d } # # save methods # :method "save vars" {vars} { set result "" foreach e $vars { append result [list set $e [set $e]] \n } return $result } :method "save procs" {procs} { set result "" foreach e $procs { if {[info procs $e] ne ""} { append result [list proc $e [info args $e] [info body $e]] \n } else { append result [::nsf::cmd::info definition $e] \n } } return $result } :method "save nx-objects" {objects} { set s [::nx::serializer::Serializer new] foreach oss [::nx::serializer::ObjectSystemSerializer info instances] { $oss registerSerializer $s $objects } set result [$s serialize-objects $objects 0] $s destroy return $result } :method "save xotcl-objects" {objects} { set s [::nx::serializer::Serializer new] foreach oss [::nx::serializer::ObjectSystemSerializer info instances] { $oss registerSerializer $s $objects } set result [$s serialize-objects $objects 0] $s destroy return $result } :method listDiff {a b} { # # Compute differences between dicts # return [lmap x $a {if {$x in $b} continue; set x}] } :public method diff {} { # # Compute the difference of the current workspace with the # values at snapshot creation time. # set current [:collect all] foreach e ${:elements} { #puts "START $e: [llength [dict get ${:start} $e]]" #puts "NOW $e: [llength [dict get $current $e]]" dict set diff $e [:listDiff [dict get $current $e] [dict get ${:start} $e]] } return $diff } :public method get_delta {} { # # Return a Tcl command which can be evaluated to reconstruct # the difference between the start of the snapshot and the # current state. # set diff [:diff] set result "" foreach e ${:elements} { append result [:save $e [dict get $diff $e]] } return $result } :method init {} { set :start [:collect all] }XQL Not present: Generic, PostgreSQL, Oracle