%3 ::nx::Object ::nx::Object ::xo::REST ::xo::REST body expect_status_code init json_to_dict pp request typed_list_to_json typed_value_to_json with_json_result ::xo::REST->::nx::Object ::ms::Graph ::ms::Graph → run_donecallback application get application list async_operation_status chat get chat messages check_async_operation encode_query group deleted group get group list group member add group member list group member remove group memberof group owner add group owner list group owner remove paginated_result_list params request run_donecallback schedule_donecallback team archive team channel list team clone team create team delete team get team member add team member list team member remove team unarchive token user get user list user me user memberof ::ms::Graph->::xo::REST ::canvas::API ::canvas::API account admins account courses account get account list account permissions account settings course activities course todo course users paginated_result_list params parse_link_params parse_link_value request token ::canvas::API->::xo::REST ::xo::Authorize ::xo::Authorize decoded_state encoded_state get_required_fields login_url logout lookup_user_id name perform_login qualified record_oauth_registration redeem_code register_new_user required_fields ::xo::Authorize->::xo::REST ::ms::Authorize ::ms::Authorize get_user_data login_url logout logout_url ::ms::Authorize->::xo::Authorize ::xo::oauth::GitHub ::xo::oauth::GitHub get_api_data get_user_data logout_url ::xo::oauth::GitHub->::xo::Authorize

Class ::xo::REST

::xo::REST[i] create ... \
           [ -client_id client_id ] \
           [ -client_secret client_secret ]

The client_id/client_secret identifies the registered "app" for which later app-tokens are used to issue action via the REST interface.
Defined in packages/xooauth/tcl/rest-procs.tcl

Class Relations

  • class: ::nx::Class[i]
  • superclass: ::nx::Object[i]
  • subclass: ::ms::Graph[i], ::canvas::API[i], ::xo::Authorize[i]

Methods (to be applied on instances)

  • pp (scripted, public)

     <instance of xo::REST[i]> pp [ -list ] [ -prefix prefix ] dict

    Simple pretty-print function which is based on the conventions of the dict structures as returned from Microsoft Graph API. Multi-valued results are returned in a dict member named "value", which are printed indented and space separated.


    Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):

    No testcase defined.