Class ::xowiki::UploadFileIconified (public)
::nx::Class ::xowiki::UploadFileIconified
Defined in packages/xowiki/tcl/xowiki-uploader-procs.tcl
Refinement of ::xowiki::UploadFile but returning content rended by a special renderer. There is e.g. such a renderer defined in xowf for the online exam.
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
Source code: :public method store_file {} { # # Store files and return a thumbnail rendering when successful. # set d [next] if {[dict get $d status_code] in {200 201}} { return [list status_code 201 message [${:parent_object} render_thumbnails $d]] } return {status_code 500 message "something wrong"} }XQL Not present: Generic, PostgreSQL, Oracle