Class ::xowiki::UploadPhotoForm (public)
::nx::Class ::xowiki::UploadPhotoForm
Defined in packages/xowiki/tcl/xowiki-uploader-procs.tcl
Class for storing files as instances of photo.form.
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
Source code: :public method store_file {} { # # Ignore everything, which does not have an image/* mime type. # if {![string match image/* ${:content_type}]} { ns_log notice "ignore store_file operation for ${:file_name} mimetype ${:content_type}" return {status_code 200 message ok} } # # Mime type is ok, save the file under the filename either as a # new item or as a new revision. # set package_id [${:parent_object} package_id] set parent_id [${:parent_object} item_id] set photo_object [::$package_id get_page_from_name -name en:${:file_name} -parent_id $parent_id] if {$photo_object ne ""} { # # The photo page instance exists already, create a new revision. # ns_log notice "Photo ${:file_name} exists already" $photo_object set title ${:file_name} set f [::xowiki::formfield::file new -object $photo_object -name "image" -destroy_on_cleanup] $f set value ${:file_name} $f content-type ${:content_type} $f set tmpfile ${:tmpfile} $f convert_to_internal $photo_object save } else { # # Create a new page instance of photo.form. # ns_log notice "new Photo ${:file_name}" set photoFormObj [::$package_id instantiate_forms -parent_id $parent_id -forms en:photo.form] set photo_object [$photoFormObj create_form_page_instance -name en:${:file_name} -nls_language en_US -creation_user [::xo::cc user_id] -parent_id $parent_id -package_id $package_id -instance_attributes [list image [list name ${:file_name}]]] $photo_object title ${:file_name} $photo_object publish_status "ready" $photo_object save_new ;# to obtain item_id needed by the form-field set f [::xowiki::formfield::file new -object $photo_object -name "image" -destroy_on_cleanup] $f set value ${:file_name} $f content-type ${:content_type} $f set tmpfile ${:tmpfile} $f convert_to_internal } return {status_code 201 message created} }XQL Not present: Generic, PostgreSQL, Oracle