Class ::xowiki::formfield::range (public)

 ::xotcl::Class ::xowiki::formfield::range[i] [ -min min ] [ -max max ] \
    [ -step step ] [ -with_output with_output ] \
    [ -output_prefix output_prefix ] [ -output_suffix output_suffix ]

Defined in /var/www/

HTML5 range input field. The range input is rendered as a slider by the actual browsers.

-min (optional)
minimum value of the value range
-max (optional)
maximum value of the value range
-step (optional)
increment steps when moving the slider
-with_output (optional)
add an output box with show the actual slider value (requires JavaScript)
-output_prefix (optional)
prepend string value to the actual slider value in the output display
-output_suffix (optional)
append string value to the actual slider value in the output display

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