Class ::xowiki::includelet::form-usages (public)
::xowiki::IncludeletClass ::xowiki::includelet::form-usages
Defined in /var/www/
Show usages of the specified form.
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
Source code: namespace eval ::xowiki::includelet {} ::nsf::object::alloc ::xowiki::IncludeletClass ::xowiki::includelet::form-usages {set :__default_metaclass ::xotcl::Class set :__default_superclass ::xotcl::Object set :aggregating false set :cacheable false set :localized true set :personalized true} ::xowiki::includelet::form-usages instproc render {} { :get_parameters set o ${:__including_page} ::xo::Page requireCSS "/resources/acs-templating/lists.css" if {[info exists return_url]} { if {$return_url eq ""} { # # If provided return_url is empty, NO return_url is set. # unset return_url } else { # # Use the provided return_url. # } } else { # # Per default, set the return_url to the current page. # set return_url [::xo::cc url]?[::xo::cc actual_query] } if {[info exists parent_id]} { if {$parent_id eq "self"} { set parent_id [${:__including_page} item_id] } elseif {$parent_id eq "*"} { set query_parent_id $parent_id set parent_id [$o parent_id] } } else { set parent_id [$o parent_id] } if {![info exists query_parent_id]} { set query_parent_id $parent_id } if {![info exists form_item_id]} { # # Resolve forms by name, since we have no id. The variable # "$form" can be actually refer to multiple forms in the usual # syntax, therefore, the result has the plural form. # set form_item_ids [::$package_id instantiate_forms -parent_id $parent_id -default_lang [$o lang] -forms $form ] if {$form_item_ids eq ""} { return -code error "could not load form '$form' (default-language [$o lang])" } } else { set form_item_ids $form_item_id } set form_constraints $extra_form_constraints\n set inherit_form_ids {} if {$inherit_from_forms ne ""} { foreach inherit_form $inherit_from_forms { set inherit_form_id [::$package_id instantiate_forms -parent_id [$o parent_id] -default_lang [$o lang] -forms $inherit_form] if {$inherit_form_id ne ""} { if {[::$inherit_form_id istype ::xowiki::FormPage]} { set p [::$inherit_form_id property form_constraints] } else { set p [::$inherit_form_id form_constraints] } append form_constraints $p\n lappend inherit_form_ids $inherit_form_id } } } foreach form_item $form_item_ids { append form_constraints [$form_item get_form_constraints -trylocal true] \n } #:log fc=$form_constraints # load table properties; order_by won't work due to comma, but solve that later (TODO) set table_properties [::xowiki::PageInstance get_list_from_form_constraints -name @table_properties -form_constraints $form_constraints] foreach {attr value} $table_properties { # All labels of the following switch statement are used as # variable names. Take care when adding new labels to avoid # overwriting existing variables. switch -- $attr { orderby {set $attr _[::xowiki::formfield::FormField fc_decode $value]} buttons - publish_status - category_id - unless - where - with_categories - with_form_link - csv - view_field - voting_form - voting_form_form - voting_form_anon_instances { set $attr $value #:msg " set $attr $value" } default {error "unknown table property '$attr' provided"} } } if {![info exists field_names]} { set fn [::xowiki::PageInstance get_short_spec_from_form_constraints -name @table -form_constraints $form_constraints] set raw_field_names [split $fn ,] } elseif {[string match "*,*" $field_names] } { set raw_field_names [split $field_names ,] } else { set raw_field_names $field_names } if {$raw_field_names eq ""} { set raw_field_names {_name _last_modified _creation_user} } foreach fn $hidden_field_names { lappend raw_field_names $fn } #:log raw_field_names=$raw_field_names # # Finally, evaluate conditions in case these are included. # set field_names [list] foreach f $raw_field_names { set _ [string trim [::xowiki::formfield::FormField get_single_spec -object $o -package_id $package_id $f]] if {$_ ne ""} {lappend field_names $_} } if {[llength $inherit_form_ids] > 0} { set item_ids $inherit_form_ids } else { set item_ids $form_item_ids } set form_fields "" foreach form_item $item_ids { set form_field_objs [::xowiki::FormPage get_table_form_fields -base_item $form_item -field_names $field_names -form_constraints $form_constraints -nls_language [${:__including_page} nls_language] ] #$form_item show_fields $form_field_objs foreach f $form_field_objs { dict set form_fields [$f name] $f } #foreach f $form_field_objs {ns_log notice "form <[$form_item name]: field [$f name] label [$f label]"} } # if {[dict exists $form_fields _creation_user]} {[dict get $form_fields _creation_user] label "By User"} # # TODO: wiki-substitution is just forced in here. Maybe it makes # more sense to use it as a default for _text, but we have to # check all the nested cases to avoid double-substitutions. # if {[dict exists $form_fields _text]} { [dict get $form_fields _text] set wiki 1 } if {[dict exists $form_fields _last_modified] && [info exists date_format]} { [dict get $form_fields _last_modified] display_format $date_format } # # Create Table widget # set table_widget [::xowiki::TableWidget create_from_form_fields -form_field_objs $form_field_objs -package_id $package_id -buttons $buttons -hidden_field_names $hidden_field_names -bulk_actions $bulk_actions -renderer $renderer -orderby $orderby -with_checkboxes $with_checkboxes] # # Handling voting_forms # if {[info exists voting_form]} { # # If the user provided a voting form name without a language # prefix, add one. # if {![regexp {^..:} $voting_form]} { set voting_form [${:__including_page} lang]:$voting_form } dict set voting_dict voting_form $voting_form dict set voting_dict renderer [list [self] generate_voting_form $voting_form $voting_form_form $table_widget $field_names $voting_form_anon_instances] } else { set voting_dict "" } # # Compute filter clauses # set filters [::xowiki::FormPage compute_filter_clauses {*}[expr {[info exists unless] ? [list -unless $unless] : ""}] {*}[expr {[info exists where] ? [list -where $where] : ""}]] #:msg filters=$filters # # Get an ordered composite of the base set (currently including # extra_where clause) # #:log "exists category_id [info exists category_id]" if {[info exists with_categories] && [info exists category_id]} { append extra_where_clause [expr {$extra_where_clause ne "" ? " and " : ""}] [lindex [:category_clause $category_id item_id] 1] } set items [::xowiki::FormPage get_form_entries -base_item_ids $form_item_ids -parent_id $query_parent_id -form_fields $form_field_objs -publish_status $publish_status -extra_where_clause $extra_where_clause -h_where [dict get $filters wc] -h_unless [dict get $filters uc] -from_package_ids $package_ids -package_id $package_id] #:log "queries done" if {[info exists wf]} { set wf_link [::$package_id pretty_link -parent_id $parent_id -path_encode false $wf] } set HTML [$table_widget render_page_items_as_table -form_field_objs $form_field_objs -return_url [ad_return_url] -package_id $package_id -items $items -init_vars [dict get $filters init_vars] -view_field $view_field -buttons $buttons -include_object_id_attribute [expr {$with_checkboxes || [llength $bulk_actions] > 0}] -form_item_ids $form_item_ids -with_form_link $with_form_link -csv $csv {*}[expr {[info exists generate] ? [list -generate $generate] : ""}] -voting_dict $voting_dict ] $table_widget destroy return $HTML } ::xowiki::includelet::form-usages instproc generate_voting_form {form_name form_form t1 field_names voting_form_anon_instances} { #:msg "generate_voting anon=$voting_form_anon_instances" set form "<form> How do you rate<br /> <table rules='all' frame='box' cellspacing='1' cellpadding='1' border='0' style='border-style: none;'> <tbody> <tr> <td style='border-style: none;'> </td> <td style='border-style: none; text-align: left; width: 150px;'> very good<br /></td> <td align='right' style='border-style: none; text-align: right; width: 150px;'> very bad<br /></td> </tr> \n" # We use here the table t1 to preserve sorting etc. # The basic assumption is that every line of the table has an instance variable # corresponding to the wanted field name. This is guaranteed by the construction # in form-usages. set count 0 set table_field_names [list] foreach t [$t1 children] { incr count lappend table_field_names $count # In most situations, it seems useful to have just one field in # the voting table. If there are multiple, we use a comma to # separate the values (looks better than separate columns). set field_contents [list] foreach __fn $field_names { lappend field_contents [$t set $__fn] } append form "<tr><td>[join $field_contents {, }]</td><td align='center' colspan='2'>@$count@</td></tr>\n" } append form "</tbody></table></form>\n" lappend table_field_names _last_modified _creation_user # Check, of we have a form for editing the generated form. If yes, we will # instantiate a form page from it. set form_form_id 0 if {$form_form ne ""} { set form_form_id [::xo::db::CrClass lookup -name $form_form -parent_id [::${:package_id} folder_id]] } # The normal form requires for rich-text the 2 element list as content if {$form_form_id == 0} { set form [list $form text/html] } set item_id [::xo::db::CrClass lookup -name $form_name -parent_id [::${:package_id} folder_id]] if {$item_id == 0} { if {$form_form_id == 0} { set f [::xowiki::Form new -package_id ${:package_id} -parent_id [::${:package_id} folder_id] -name $form_name -anon_instances $voting_form_anon_instances -form $form -form_constraints "@fields:scale,n=7,inline=true @cr_fields:hidden @categories:off\n @table:[join $table_field_names ,]" ] } else { set f [::xowiki::FormPage new -page_template $form_form_id -package_id ${:package_id} -parent_id [::${:package_id} folder_id] -name $form_name] $f set_property anon_instances $voting_form_anon_instances $f set_property form $form $f set_property form_constraints "@fields:scale,n=7,inline=true @cr_fields:hidden @categories:off\n @table:[join $table_field_names ,]" } $f save_new set form_href [$f pretty_link] $f destroy set action created } else { ::xo::db::CrClass get_instance_from_db -item_id $item_id if {$form_form_id == 0} { ::$item_id form $form } else { ::$item_id set_property form $form } ::$item_id save set form_href [::$item_id pretty_link] set action updated } return "#xowiki.form-$action# <a href='[ns_quotehtml $form_href]'>[ns_quotehtml $form_name]</a>" } ::xowiki::includelet::form-usages instparametercmd __decoration ::xowiki::includelet::form-usages instparametercmd parameter_declaration ::nsf::relation::set ::xowiki::includelet::form-usages superclass ::xowiki::Includelet ::nx::slotObj -container slot ::xowiki::includelet::form-usages ::xowiki::includelet::form-usages::slot eval {set :__parameter { {__decoration plain} {parameter_declaration { {-form_item_id:integer,1..n} {-form} {-parent_id} {-package_ids ""} {-orderby "_raw_last_modified,desc"} {-view_field _name} {-publish_status "all"} {-field_names} {-hidden_field_names "_last_modified"} {-extra_form_constraints ""} {-inherit_from_forms ""} {-category_id} {-unless} {-where} {-extra_where_clause {}} {-csv true} {-voting_form} {-voting_form_form ""} {-voting_form_anon_instances "t"} {-generate} {-with_form_link true} {-with_categories} {-wf} {-bulk_actions ""} {-buttons "edit delete"} {-renderer ""} {-return_url} {-date_format} {-with_checkboxes:boolean false} }} }} ::nsf::object::alloc ::xotcl::Attribute ::xowiki::includelet::form-usages::slot::parameter_declaration {set :accessor public set :configurable true set :convert false set :default { {-form_item_id:integer,1..n} {-form} {-parent_id} {-package_ids ""} {-orderby "_raw_last_modified,desc"} {-view_field _name} {-publish_status "all"} {-field_names} {-hidden_field_names "_last_modified"} {-extra_form_constraints ""} {-inherit_from_forms ""} {-category_id} {-unless} {-where} {-extra_where_clause {}} {-csv true} {-voting_form} {-voting_form_form ""} {-voting_form_anon_instances "t"} {-generate} {-with_form_link true} {-with_categories} {-wf} {-bulk_actions ""} {-buttons "edit delete"} {-renderer ""} {-return_url} {-date_format} {-with_checkboxes:boolean false} } set :defaultmethods {} set :disposition alias set :domain ::xowiki::includelet::form-usages set :incremental 0 set :manager ::xowiki::includelet::form-usages::slot::parameter_declaration set :methodname parameter_declaration set :multiplicity 1..1 set :name parameter_declaration set :per-object false set :position 0 set :required false set :substdefault 0b111 set :trace none : init} ::nsf::object::alloc ::xotcl::Attribute ::xowiki::includelet::form-usages::slot::__decoration {set :accessor public set :configurable true set :convert false set :default plain set :defaultmethods {} set :disposition alias set :domain ::xowiki::includelet::form-usages set :incremental 0 set :manager ::xowiki::includelet::form-usages::slot::__decoration set :methodname __decoration set :multiplicity 1..1 set :name __decoration set :per-object false set :position 0 set :required false set :substdefault 0b111 set :trace none : init}XQL Not present: Generic, PostgreSQL, Oracle