::throttle Class ::Counter (public)

 ::xotcl::Class Class[i] [ -report report ] [ -timeoutMS timeoutMS ] \
    [ -stats stats ] [ -trend trend ] [ -c c ] [ -logging logging ] \
    [ -nr_trend_elements nr_trend_elements ] \
    [ -nr_stats_elements nr_stats_elements ]

Defined in packages/xotcl-request-monitor/tcl/throttle_mod-procs.tcl

This class holds the counted statistics so they do not have to be computed all the time from the list of requests. The statistics holding objects are instances of this class and initialized and called after the timeoutMS

Report type of the instance. This could e.g. be hours and minutes
How often are the statistics for this report computed
stats keeps nr_stats_elements highest values with timestamp. These hold a list of lists of the actual stats in the form {time value}. Time is given like "Thu Sep 13 09:17:30 CEST 2007". This is used for displaying the maximum values
trend keeps nr_trend_elements most recent values. This is used for displaying the graphics
If set to 1 the instance current value is logged to the counter.log file
Number of data points that are used for the trend calculation. The default of 48 translates into "48 minutes" for the Views per minute or 48 hours for the views per hour.
Number of data points for the stats values. The default of 5 will give you the highest datapoints over the whole period.

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):

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