_acs-authentication__auth_sync_process_ims_implementations (private)
Defined in packages/acs-authentication/tcl/test/sync-test-procs.tcl
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
Source code: set _aa_export {} set body_count 1 foreach testcase_body {{ aa_section auth::sync::process_doc::ims::GetParameters set parameters [acs_sc::invoke -contract auth_sync_process -impl IMS_Enterprise_v_1p1 -operation GetParameters] aa_equals "Parameters are correct" [dict keys $parameters] Elements aa_section auth::sync::process_doc::ims::GetElements aa_equals "Elements correspond to the 'Elements' value in the parameters" [acs_sc::invoke -contract auth_sync_process -impl IMS_Enterprise_v_1p1 -operation GetElements -call_args [list $parameters]] [dict get $parameters Elements] aa_section auth::sync::process_doc::ims::GetAcknowledgementDocument aa_run_with_teardown -rollback -test_code { set user [acs::test::user::create] set authority_id [acs_user::get -user_id [dict get $user user_id] -element authority_id] set job_id [auth::sync::job::start -authority_id $authority_id] array set recstatus { insert 1 update 2 delete 3 } aa_log "One insert operation" auth::sync::job::create_entry -job_id $job_id -operation insert -username [dict get $user username] -success set timestamp 12345 set doc "" append doc {<?xml version="1.0" encoding="} [ns_config "ns/parameters" OutputCharset] {"?>} \n append doc {<enterprise>} \n append doc { <properties>} \n append doc { <type>acknowledgement</type>} \n append doc { <datetime>} $timestamp {</datetime>} \n append doc { </properties>} \n # Loop over successful actions db_foreach select_success_actions { select entry_id, operation, username from auth_batch_job_entries where job_id = :job_id and success_p = 't' order by entry_id } { if { [info exists recstatus($operation)] } { append doc { <person recstatus="} $recstatus($operation) {">} \n append doc { <sourcedid><source>OpenACS</source><id>} $username {</id></sourcedid>} \n append doc { </person>} \n } } append doc {</enterprise>} \n aa_equals "Document was built as expected" [acs_sc::invoke -contract auth_sync_process -impl IMS_Enterprise_v_1p1 -operation GetAcknowledgementDocument -call_args [list $job_id $doc [list]]] $doc aa_log "One invalid operation" aa_true "With invalid operations, call returns an error" [catch { # This is in fact the call that will fail, because # of a check constraint on the 'operation' column. aa_silence_log_entries -serverities error { auth::sync::job::create_entry -job_id $job_id -operation broken -username [dict get $user username] -success } # If the check was not there in the database, this # call would also fail, as the check is # implemented in tcl as well. acs_sc::invoke -contract auth_sync_process -impl IMS_Enterprise_v_1p1 -operation GetAcknowledgementDocument -call_args [list $job_id $doc [list]] }] } aa_section auth::sync::process_doc::ims::ProcessDocument aa_run_with_teardown -rollback -test_code { # This user will be updated set existing_user [acs::test::user::create] set existing_user_id [dict get $existing_user user_id] set authority_id [acs_user::get -user_id $existing_user_id -element authority_id] set job_id [auth::sync::job::start -authority_id $authority_id] set existing_username [dict get $existing_user username] set existing_first_names AAAA set existing_last_name BBBB # This user will be created set new_user_username [db_string get_new_username { select max(username) || 'A' from users }] # Usernames could be emails, make sure the fake test # email is formally correct regardless set new_user_email [string tolower [string map {@ "" . ""} $new_user_username]@test.com] set new_user_first_names AAAA set new_user_last_name BBBB # This user will be deleted set rascal_user [acs::test::user::create] set rascal_user_id [dict get $rascal_user user_id] set rascal_username [dict get $rascal_user username] set doc "" append doc {<?xml version="1.0" encoding="} [ns_config "ns/parameters" OutputCharset] {"?>} \n append doc {<enterprise>} \n append doc { <properties>} \n append doc { <type>acknowledgement</type>} \n append doc { <datetime>2022-09-19</datetime>} \n append doc { </properties>} \n append doc { <person recstatus="1">} \n append doc { <email>} $new_user_email {</email>} \n append doc { <name><n><given>} $new_user_first_names {</given><family>} $new_user_last_name {</family></n></name>} \n append doc { <sourcedid><source>OpenACS</source><id>} $new_user_username {</id></sourcedid>} \n append doc { </person>} \n append doc { <person recstatus="2">} \n append doc { <sourcedid><source>OpenACS</source><id>} $existing_username {</id></sourcedid>} \n append doc { <name><n><given>} $existing_first_names {</given><family>} $existing_last_name {</family></n></name>} \n append doc { </person>} \n append doc { <person recstatus="3">} \n append doc { <sourcedid><source>OpenACS</source><id>} $rascal_username {</id></sourcedid>} \n append doc { </person>} \n append doc {</enterprise>} \n acs_sc::invoke -contract auth_sync_process -impl IMS_Enterprise_v_1p1 -operation ProcessDocument -call_args [list $job_id $doc [list]] set existing_user [acs_user::get -user_id $existing_user_id] aa_equals "User '$existing_user_id' First Names was modified" [dict get $existing_user first_names] $existing_first_names aa_equals "User '$existing_user_id' Last Name was modified" [dict get $existing_user last_name] $existing_last_name set new_user_id [acs_user::get_by_username -authority_id $authority_id -username $new_user_username] aa_true "New User was created" {$new_user_id ne ""} if {$new_user_id ne ""} { set new_user [acs_user::get -user_id $new_user_id] aa_equals "User '$new_user_id' Email was modified" [dict get $new_user email] $new_user_email aa_equals "User '$new_user_id' First Names was modified" [dict get $new_user first_names] $new_user_first_names aa_equals "User '$new_user_id' Last Name was modified" [dict get $new_user last_name] $new_user_last_name } aa_equals "Rascal user '$rascal_user_id' was banned" [acs_user::get -user_id $rascal_user_id -element member_state] banned } }} { aa_log "Running testcase body $body_count" set ::__aa_test_indent [info level] set catch_val [catch $testcase_body msg] if {$catch_val != 0 && $catch_val != 2} { aa_log_result "fail" "auth_sync_process_ims_implementations (body $body_count): Error during execution: $msg, stack trace: \n$::errorInfo" } incr body_count }XQL Not present: Generic, PostgreSQL, Oracle