_acs-content-repository__content_extlink (private)
Defined in packages/acs-content-repository/tcl/test/content-extlink-procs.tcl
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
Source code: set _aa_export {} set body_count 1 foreach testcase_body {{ aa_run_with_teardown -rollback -test_code { # Content repository should at least create 2 default folders # we can use for the test set parent_id [db_string get_parent { select min(object_id) from acs_objects where object_type = 'content_folder' }] set other_parent_id [db_string get_parent { select max(object_id) from acs_objects where object_type = 'content_folder' }] set user_id [db_string get_user { select min(user_id) from users }] # One must first register the content type on the folders foreach folder_id [list $parent_id $other_parent_id] { content::folder::register_content_type -folder_id $folder_id -content_type "content_extlink" } set url [ad_generate_random_string] set name [ad_generate_random_string] set label [ad_generate_random_string] set description [ad_generate_random_string] aa_log "Creating the link" set link_id [content::extlink::new -url $url -parent_id $parent_id -name $name -label $label -description $description] aa_true "New link is actually there" [content::extlink::is_extlink -item_id $link_id] aa_true "New link was saved with supplied info" [db_string check_info { select case when exists (select 1 from cr_extlinks e, cr_items i where extlink_id = :link_id and i.item_id = e.extlink_id and i.name = :name and url = :url and label = :label and description = :description) then 1 else 0 end from dual }] aa_log "Editing the link" set url [ad_generate_random_string] set label [ad_generate_random_string] set description [ad_generate_random_string] content::extlink::edit -extlink_id $link_id -url $url -label $label -description $description aa_true "Link was edited with supplied info" [db_string check_info { select case when exists (select 1 from cr_extlinks where extlink_id = :link_id and url = :url and label = :label and description = :description) then 1 else 0 end from dual }] aa_equals "Link name is retrieved correctly" $label [content::extlink::name -item_id $link_id] aa_log "Creating copy in the same folder $parent_id" aa_false "Copying in the same folder should just fail silently" [catch { content::extlink::copy -extlink_id $link_id -target_folder_id $parent_id -creation_user $user_id } errmsg] aa_log "Creating copy in different folder $other_parent_id" content::extlink::copy -extlink_id $link_id -target_folder_id $other_parent_id -creation_user $user_id set new_link_id [db_string get_new_link { select extlink_id from cr_extlinks e, cr_items i where i.item_id = e.extlink_id and i.parent_id = :other_parent_id and i.name = :name }] aa_true "Copy is retrieved correctly" [content::extlink::is_extlink -item_id $new_link_id] aa_equals "Copy has the same name" $label [content::extlink::name -item_id $new_link_id] aa_log "Deleting links" content::extlink::delete -extlink_id $link_id aa_false "Link $link_id is gone" [content::extlink::is_extlink -item_id $link_id] content::extlink::delete -extlink_id $new_link_id aa_false "Link $new_link_id is gone" [content::extlink::is_extlink -item_id $new_link_id] } }} { aa_log "Running testcase body $body_count" set ::__aa_test_indent [info level] set catch_val [catch $testcase_body msg] if {$catch_val != 0 && $catch_val != 2} { aa_log_result "fail" "content_extlink (body $body_count): Error during execution: $msg, stack trace: \n$::errorInfo" } incr body_count }XQL Not present: Generic, PostgreSQL, Oracle