_acs-tcl__base64__tcl_vs_ns_decode (private)
Defined in packages/acs-tcl/tcl/test/naviserver-api-procs.tcl
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
Source code: set _aa_export {} set body_count 1 foreach testcase_body {{ package require base64 # # base64 encoded string with weird spaces. # set base64encoded {iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAAUA AAAFCAYAAACNbyblAAAAHElEQVQI12P4//8/w38GIAXDIBKE0DHxgljNBAAO 9TXL0Y4OHwAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==} # # Force the result to binary to get same results as tcllib function. # catch {ns_base64decode} result set flag [expr {[string match *binary* $result] ? "-binary" : ""}] aa_log "base64::decode: [ns_md5 [base64::decode $base64encoded]]" aa_log "ns_base64decode: [ns_md5 [ns_base64decode {*}$flag $base64encoded]]" aa_true "Decoding of md5 string is identical" {[ns_md5 [base64::decode $base64encoded]] eq [ns_md5 [ns_base64decode {*}$flag $base64encoded]]} }} { aa_log "Running testcase body $body_count" set ::__aa_test_indent [info level] set catch_val [catch $testcase_body msg] if {$catch_val != 0 && $catch_val != 2} { aa_log_result "fail" "base64__tcl_vs_ns_decode (body $body_count): Error during execution: $msg, stack trace: \n$::errorInfo" } incr body_count }XQL Not present: Generic, PostgreSQL, Oracle