_acs-tcl__db__transaction_bug_3440 (private)
Defined in packages/acs-tcl/tcl/test/db-proc-test-procs.tcl
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
Source code: set _aa_export {} set body_count 1 foreach testcase_body {{ # Not using -rollback option because we don't want to start out in a db_transaction aa_run_with_teardown -test_code { aa_log "Test Begin" aa_log "Create fixture" set dml "CREATE TABLE test_tbl1 (id serial, value text)" db_dml noxql $dml aa_log "Start test section 1" db_transaction { # # Insert an element to the test table # set dml "INSERT INTO test_tbl1 (value) values('val1') RETURNING id;" set row_id [db_string noxql $dml] set sql_row_id "SELECT value FROM test_tbl1 where id = :row_id" # # Retrieve it once. # set sql "SELECT value FROM test_tbl1 where id = :row_id" set res1 [db_string noxql $sql -default "None"] aa_equals "New row exists before db_multirow call" $res1 "val1" # # Run a query returning more than one row in a # "db_foreach" loop, performing as well SQL queries # and try to get value inserted above after the loop. # set sql "SELECT privilege FROM acs_privileges fetch first 2 rows only" db_foreach noxql $sql { set temp1 [db_string noxql "SELECT 1 FROM dual"] aa_log "... db_foreach got '$temp1'" } set res2 [db_string noxql $sql_row_id -default "None"] aa_equals "New row exists after db_foreach" $res2 "val1" # # Run a query returning a single row in a # "db_multirow" loop, performing as well SQL queries # and try to get value inserted above after the loop. # set sql "SELECT max(privilege) FROM acs_privileges" db_multirow -local mrow noxql $sql { # Code executed for each row. Set extended columns, etc. set temp1 [db_string noxql "SELECT 1 FROM dual"] } set res2 [db_string noxql $sql_row_id -default "None"] aa_equals "New row exists after db_multirow with 1 tuple" $res2 "val1" # # Run a query returning more than a row in a # "db_multirow" loop, performing as well SQL queries # and try to get value inserted above after the loop. # set sql "SELECT privilege FROM acs_privileges fetch first 2 rows only" db_multirow -local mrow noxql $sql { # Code executed for each row. Set extended columns, etc. set temp1 [db_string noxql "SELECT 1 FROM dual"] } # Asof acs-tcl 5.10.0d31 # If db_multirow above is limited to 1 row, the following succeeds. # If the db_multirow has more than 1 row, it fails. set res2 [db_string noxql $sql_row_id -default "None"] aa_equals "New row exists after db_multirow with 2 tuples" $res2 "val1" } aa_log "Start test section 2" # # Create a multirow no entries and append a row "manually" # For details, see # https://openacs.org/bugtracker/openacs/bug?bug_number=3441 # db_multirow person_mr1 noxql { SELECT person_id, first_names, last_name FROM persons WHERE false } aa_equals "have empty multirow" [template::multirow size person_mr1] 0 template::multirow append person_mr1 1234 “Ed” “Grooberman” aa_equals "have one tuple in multirow" [template::multirow size person_mr1] 1 aa_equals "columns empty" [template::multirow columns person_mr1] "person_id first_names last_name" set user_id [ad_conn user_id] db_multirow person_mr2 noxql { SELECT person_id, first_names, last_name FROM persons where person_id = :user_id } aa_equals "columns nonempty" [template::multirow columns person_mr2] "person_id first_names last_name" aa_log "Test End" } -teardown_code { set dml "DROP TABLE test_tbl1" db_dml noxql $dml # this is an optional parameter if there is code that should run to clean things up. # It will run whether or not the -test_code succeeds, and runs after the DB transaction has been rolled back. } }} { aa_log "Running testcase body $body_count" set ::__aa_test_indent [info level] set catch_val [catch $testcase_body msg] if {$catch_val != 0 && $catch_val != 2} { aa_log_result "fail" "db__transaction_bug_3440 (body $body_count): Error during execution: $msg, stack trace: \n$::errorInfo" } incr body_count }XQL Not present: Generic, PostgreSQL, Oracle