_acs-tcl__util_http_post_vars (private)
Defined in packages/acs-tcl/tcl/test/http-client-procs.tcl
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
Source code: set _aa_export {} set body_count 1 foreach testcase_body {{ set endpoint_name /acs-tcl-util-http-post-vars set url [acs::test::url]${endpoint_name} set script { set files [list] foreach f [ns_querygetall files.tmpfile] { lappend files [ns_md file $f] } set vars [ns_querygetall vars] set vars_urlencoded [ns_querygetall vars_urlencoded] set vars_list [ns_querygetall vars_list] ns_return 200 text/plain [list $files $vars $vars_urlencoded $vars_list] } try { ns_register_proc POST $endpoint_name $script aa_section "Try to send the same parameter as URL and POST" aa_true "One cannot specify URLvars and POST vars at the same time" [catch { util::http::post -url $url?thevars=1 -formvars [export_vars {{thevars 2}}] -formvars_list {thevars 3 thevars 4} } errmsg] aa_section "Try to send the same parameter as file and non-file" aa_true "One cannot specify file vars and POST vars at the same time" [catch { util::http::post -url $url -files {{file /tmp/myfile.txt fieldname thevars}} -formvars [export_vars {{thevars 2}}] -formvars_list {thevars 3 thevars 4} } errmsg] aa_section "Combine URLencoded and list parameters in a urlencoded POST request" set r [util::http::post -url $url -formvars [export_vars {{vars 2} {vars_urlencoded:multiple {c d e f}}}] -formvars_list {vars 3 vars 4 vars_list a vars_list b}] lassign [dict get $r page] files vars vars_urlencoded vars_list aa_equals "'files' has been sent correctly" [lsort $files] [list] aa_equals "'vars' have been sent correctly" [lsort $vars] {2 3 4} aa_equals "'vars_urlencoded' has been sent correctly" [lsort $vars_urlencoded] {c d e f} aa_equals "'vars_list' has been sent correctly" [lsort $vars_list] {a b} aa_section "Combine URLencoded, list parameters and files in a multipart POST request" set files {} set files_checksums {} set to_delete {} foreach c {abc 123 ÄÜÖ} { set F [ad_opentmpfile tmpfile] puts -nonewline $F $c close $F lappend files [list file $tmpfile fieldname files] lappend files_checksums [ns_md file $tmpfile] lappend to_delete $tmpfile } set r [util::http::post -url $url -files $files -formvars [export_vars {{vars 2} {vars_urlencoded:multiple {c d e f}}}] -formvars_list {vars 3 vars 4 vars_list a vars_list b}] lassign [dict get $r page] files vars vars_urlencoded vars_list aa_equals "'files' has been sent correctly" [lsort $files] [lsort $files_checksums] aa_equals "'vars' have been sent correctly" [lsort $vars] {2 3 4} aa_equals "'vars_urlencoded' has been sent correctly" [lsort $vars_urlencoded] {c d e f} aa_equals "'vars_list' has been sent correctly" [lsort $vars_list] {a b} aa_section "Combine URLencoded and list parameters in a multipart POST request" set r [util::http::post -url $url -multipart -formvars [export_vars {{vars 2} {vars_urlencoded:multiple {c d e f}}}] -formvars_list {vars 3 vars 4 vars_list a vars_list b}] lassign [dict get $r page] files vars vars_urlencoded vars_list aa_equals "'files' has been sent correctly" [lsort $files] [list] aa_equals "'vars' have been sent correctly" [lsort $vars] {2 3 4} aa_equals "'vars_urlencoded' has been sent correctly" [lsort $vars_urlencoded] {c d e f} aa_equals "'vars_list' has been sent correctly" [lsort $vars_list] {a b} ad_file delete {*}$to_delete } finally { ns_unregister_op POST $endpoint_name } }} { aa_log "Running testcase body $body_count" set ::__aa_test_indent [info level] set catch_val [catch $testcase_body msg] if {$catch_val != 0 && $catch_val != 2} { aa_log_result "fail" "util_http_post_vars (body $body_count): Error during execution: $msg, stack trace: \n$::errorInfo" } incr body_count }XQL Not present: Generic, PostgreSQL, Oracle