_categories__category_object_mapping (private)
Defined in packages/categories/tcl/test/categories-procs.tcl
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
Source code: set _aa_export {} set body_count 1 foreach testcase_body {{ aa_run_with_teardown -rollback -test_code { # # We need a content item to test category::get_objects later # set folder_id [content::folder::new -label "One folder" -name __category_object_mapping_folder] content::folder::register_content_type -folder_id $folder_id -content_type "content_revision" set one_object_id [content::item::new -name __category_object_mapping -parent_id $folder_id -title "One Item" -content_type content_revision -text {some text}] aa_equals "Object context for the object is as expected" [list "/o/$one_object_id" [acs_object_name $one_object_id]] [category::get_object_context $one_object_id] aa_section "Create tree" set tree_name foo set tree_description "Just a dummy category tree" set tree_site_wide_p f set tree_id [category_tree::add -description $tree_description -site_wide_p $tree_site_wide_p -name $tree_name] aa_log "Category tree: $tree_name $tree_id" aa_section "Create root category" set root_category_id [category::add -tree_id $tree_id -parent_id "" -name $tree_name] aa_log "Root category: $root_category_id" # # Create children categories # set children {bar1 "" bar2 "" bar3 ""} dict for { name id } $children { set category_id [category::add -tree_id $tree_id -parent_id $root_category_id -description "My category $name" -name $name] dict set children $name $category_id aa_log "New children category: $name $category_id" } aa_section "Map categories" aa_equals "category_tree::get_trees returns expected" [category_tree::get_trees $one_object_id] "" set categories [list $root_category_id {*}[dict values $children]] category::map_object -object_id $one_object_id $categories aa_section "Check mappings" set mapped_categories [category::get_mapped_categories $one_object_id] aa_equals "Api retrieves the expected mapped categories" [lsort $categories] [lsort $mapped_categories] set mapped_categories [category::get_mapped_categories -tree_id $one_object_id $one_object_id] aa_equals "Api retrieves 0 categories if the tree is wrong" [llength $mapped_categories] 0 set mapped_categories [category::get_mapped_categories -tree_id $tree_id $one_object_id] aa_equals "Api retrieves the expected mapped categories also by tree" [lsort $categories] [lsort $mapped_categories] category::get_mapped_categories_multirow -multirow __test_category_map $one_object_id aa_true "The multirow was created" [template::multirow exists __test_category_map] aa_equals "The multirow has the same size as the mapped categories" [template::multirow size __test_category_map] [llength $mapped_categories] template::multirow sort __test_category_map category_id set i 0 template::multirow foreach __test_category_map { aa_equals "Category in the multirow corresponds to that from the list" $category_id [lindex $mapped_categories $i] incr i } aa_equals "category_tree::get_trees returns expected" [category_tree::get_trees $one_object_id] [list $tree_id] set cloud_tags [category::tagcloud::get_tags -tree_id $tree_id] aa_equals "category::tagcloud::get_tags returns expected" [lsort -index 0 $cloud_tags] [list [list $root_category_id 1 $tree_name] [list [lindex $categories 1] 1 "bar1"] [list [lindex $categories 2] 1 "bar2"] [list [lindex $categories 3] 1 "bar3"] ] set tag_cloud [category::tagcloud::tagcloud -tree_id $tree_id] set rgxp <.* foreach tag $cloud_tags { append rgxp [join $tag .*].* } append rgxp > aa_true "Tagcloud looks like '$rgxp'" [regexp $rgxp $tag_cloud] foreach category_id $categories { set object_ids [category::get_objects -category_id $category_id] aa_equals "Getting the object from one of the mapped categories '$category_id' returns our object" $object_ids $one_object_id set object_ids [category::get_objects -category_id $category_id -content_type content_revision] aa_equals "Getting the content_revision objects from one of the mapped categories '$category_id' returns our object" $object_ids $one_object_id set object_ids [category::get_objects -category_id $category_id -object_type content_item] aa_equals "Getting the content_item objects from one of the mapped categories '$category_id' returns our object" $object_ids $one_object_id set object_ids [category::get_objects -category_id $category_id -content_type text/plain] aa_equals "Getting the text/plain objects from one of the mapped categories '$category_id' returns nothing" [llength $object_ids] 0 set object_ids [category::get_objects -category_id $category_id -object_type user] aa_equals "Getting the user objects from one of the mapped categories '$category_id' returns nothing" [llength $object_ids] 0 } aa_section "Unmap categories" category::map_object -remove_old -object_id $one_object_id {} aa_equals "Mappings were deleted" [llength [category::get_mapped_categories $one_object_id]] 0 aa_equals "Mappings were deleted also by tree" [llength [category::get_mapped_categories -tree_id $tree_id $one_object_id]] 0 category::get_mapped_categories_multirow -multirow __test_category_map $one_object_id aa_equals "The multirow has size 0" [template::multirow size __test_category_map] 0 } }} { aa_log "Running testcase body $body_count" set ::__aa_test_indent [info level] set catch_val [catch $testcase_body msg] if {$catch_val != 0 && $catch_val != 2} { aa_log_result "fail" "category_object_mapping (body $body_count): Error during execution: $msg, stack trace: \n$::errorInfo" } incr body_count }XQL Not present: Generic, PostgreSQL, Oracle