_categories__category_tree_import (private)
Defined in packages/categories/tcl/test/categories-procs.tcl
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
Source code: set _aa_export {} set body_count 1 foreach testcase_body {{ aa_run_with_teardown -rollback -test_code { aa_section "Tcl Import" set tree_id [category_tree::import -name regions -description {regions and states} -categories { 1 europe 2 germany 2 {united kingdom} 2 france 1 asia 2 china 1 {north america} 2 {united states} }] aa_true "tree was created successfully" [category_tree::exists_p $tree_id] aa_equals "category_tree::get_translation returns expected" [category_tree::get_translation $tree_id] {regions {regions and states}} aa_true "Category 'europe' exists" [db_0or1row check { select c.category_id as europe_category_id from categories c, category_translations t where c.category_id = t.category_id and c.parent_id is null and t.locale = 'en_US' and t.name = 'europe' }] aa_true "Category 'germany' is a child of 'europe'" [db_0or1row check { select 1 from categories c, category_translations t where c.category_id = t.category_id and c.parent_id = :europe_category_id and t.locale = 'en_US' and t.name = 'germany' }] aa_equals "Tree has 8 categories" [db_string count { select count(*) from categories where tree_id = :tree_id }] 8 aa_section "XML Import" set xml {<?xml version="1.0"?> <tree> <translation locale="en_US"> <name>A tree</name> <description>I am a tree</description> </translation> <translation locale="it_IT"> <name>Un albero</name> <description>Io sono un albero</description> </translation> <category> <translation locale="en_US"> <name>A category</name> <description>I am a category</description> </translation> <translation locale="it_IT"> <name>Una categoria</name> <description>Io sono una categoria</description> </translation> </category> <category> <translation locale="en_US"> <name>Another category</name> <description>I am another category</description> </translation> <translation locale="it_IT"> <name>Un'altra categoria</name> <description>Io sono un'altra categoria</description> </translation> <category> <translation locale="en_US"> <name>A child category</name> <description>I am a child category</description> </translation> <translation locale="it_IT"> <name>Una categoria figlia</name> <description>Io sono una categoria figlia</description> </translation> </category> </category> </tree> } set wfd [ad_opentmpfile tmpfile] puts -nonewline $wfd $xml close $wfd set tree_id [category_tree::xml::import_from_file -site_wide $tmpfile] file delete -- $tmpfile aa_true "tree was created successfully" [category_tree::exists_p $tree_id] aa_equals "category_tree::get_translation returns expected" [category_tree::get_translation $tree_id en_US] {{A tree} {I am a tree}} aa_equals "category_tree::get_translation returns expected" [category_tree::get_translation $tree_id it_IT] {{Un albero} {Io sono un albero}} aa_equals "Tree has 3 categories" [db_string count { select count(*) from categories where tree_id = :tree_id }] 3 } }} { aa_log "Running testcase body $body_count" set ::__aa_test_indent [info level] set catch_val [catch $testcase_body msg] if {$catch_val != 0 && $catch_val != 2} { aa_log_result "fail" "category_tree_import (body $body_count): Error during execution: $msg, stack trace: \n$::errorInfo" } incr body_count }XQL Not present: Generic, PostgreSQL, Oracle