_xotcl-core__xo_update_object_doc (private)
Defined in packages/xotcl-core/tcl/test/03-doc-procs.tcl
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
Source code: set _aa_export {} set body_count 1 foreach testcase_body {{ namespace eval ::__test_xo { nx::Class create AClass { :public method "blueprint get info" {} { # # A method with a cornercase name meant to potentially # collide with other "special words" in nsf. # } } } try { ::xo::api update_nx_docs } on ok {d} { set failed_p false } on error {errmsg} { set failed_p true aa_log "Regenerating the docs reports: $errmsg" } aa_false "Updating the docs works" $failed_p }} { aa_log "Running testcase body $body_count" set ::__aa_test_indent [info level] set catch_val [catch $testcase_body msg] if {$catch_val != 0 && $catch_val != 2} { aa_log_result "fail" "xo_update_object_doc (body $body_count): Error during execution: $msg, stack trace: \n$::errorInfo" } incr body_count }XQL Not present: Generic, PostgreSQL, Oracle