_xowiki__form_validate (private)
Defined in packages/xowiki/tcl/test/xowiki-test-procs.tcl
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
Source code: set _aa_export {} set body_count 1 foreach testcase_body {{ # # Setup of test user_id and login # set user_info [::acs::test::user::create -email xowiki@acs-testing.test -admin] set request_info [::acs::test::login $user_info] set instance /xowiki-test set package_id [::acs::test::require_package_instance -package_key xowiki -empty -instance_name $instance] set testfolder .testfolder try { ########################################################### aa_section "Require test folder" ########################################################### set folder_info [::xowiki::test::require_test_folder -last_request $request_info -instance $instance -folder_name $testfolder -fresh ] set folder_id [dict get $folder_info folder_id] set package_id [dict get $folder_info package_id] aa_true "folder_id '$folder_id' is not 0" {$folder_id != 0} set locale [lang::system::locale] set lang [string range $locale 0 1] set form_name $lang:validation.form ########################################################### aa_section "Create Form $form_name" ########################################################### # # The created form contains fields to be validated. # ::xowiki::test::create_form -last_request $request_info -instance $instance -path $testfolder -parent_id $folder_id -name $form_name -update [subst { title "Validation Form" nls_language $locale text {} text.format text/html form {<form>@number@</form>} form.format text/plain form_constraints { number:numeric } }] aa_log "Form $form_name created" ########################################################### aa_section "Create an instance of $form_name named '${lang}:validate1'" ########################################################### set page_name ${lang}:validate1 # # A FormPage title containing a javascript injection # attempt. # set title "fresh $page_name for validation <script>console.log('Injected!');</script>" set d [::xowiki::test::create_form_page -last_request $request_info -instance $instance -path $testfolder -parent_id $folder_id -form_name $form_name -expect_validation_error "Invalid numeric value" -update [subst { _name "$page_name" _title "$title" _nls_language $locale number a }]] #ns_log notice "::xowiki::test::create_form_page returns $d" acs::test::reply_has_status_code $d 200 set response [dict get $d body] acs::test::dom_html root $response { set f_id [::xowiki::test::get_object_name $root] aa_true "page_name '$f_id' non empty" {$f_id ne ""} # # The title displayed in the form field should be the # one coming from the rejected FormPage in order for # the user to receive feedback and rework their # submission. # set new_title [$root getElementById F.$f_id._title] aa_equals "_title stays '[ns_quotehtml $title]'" $title [$new_title getAttribute value] # # On a standard installation, the page title is set to # the (potentially no yet validated) FormPage title. Here # we make sure that our injection attempt has not been # rendered "raw" to the client. # aa_false "Unvalidated title '[ns_quotehtml $title]' was NOT used unquoted in the response" [string match *$title* $response] set new_number [$root getElementById F.$f_id.number] aa_equals "number stays 'a'" a [$new_number getAttribute value] } } on error {errorMsg} { aa_true "Error msg: $errorMsg" 0 } finally { # # In case something has to be cleaned manually, do it here. # if {$package_id ne "" && $instance ne ""} { set node_id [site_node::get_element -url $instance -element node_id] site_node::delete -node_id $node_id -delete_package } } }} { aa_log "Running testcase body $body_count" set ::__aa_test_indent [info level] set catch_val [catch $testcase_body msg] if {$catch_val != 0 && $catch_val != 2} { aa_log_result "fail" "form_validate (body $body_count): Error during execution: $msg, stack trace: \n$::errorInfo" } incr body_count }XQL Not present: Generic, PostgreSQL, Oracle