aa_check_leftovers (public)
aa_check_leftovers [ -silent ] [ msg ]
Defined in packages/acs-automated-testing/tcl/aa-test-procs.tcl
# # Perform cleanup tests to check for object/command leaks in # either the called functions or in the test itself. #
- Switches:
- -silent (optional, boolean)
- Parameters:
- msg (optional, defaults to
)- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- webtest_example
Source code: if {[namespace which ::xo::at_cleanup] ne ""} { ::xo::at_cleanup } set domNodes [list {*}[info commands domNode0*] {*}[info commands domDoc0x*]] set xotclObjs [::xotcl::Object info instances -closure] set nxObjs [::nx::Object info instances -closure] set tmpObjs [info commands ::nsf::__#*] set nsSets [expr {[acs::icanuse "ns_set stats"] ? [list [ns_set stats]] : [llength [ns_set list]]}] dict set stats tdom [llength $domNodes] dict set stats nssets [llength $nsSets] dict set stats xotcl [llength $xotclObjs] dict set stats nx [llength $nxObjs] dict set stats tmpobjs [llength $tmpObjs] dict with stats { aa_equals "$msg leftover temp objects" $tmpobjs 0 if {$tmpobjs > 0} { foreach obj $tmpObjs { set isXotcl [::nsf::dispatch $obj ::nsf::methods::object::info::hastype ::xotcl::Object] set isNx [::nsf::dispatch $obj ::nsf::methods::object::info::hastype ::nx::Object] aa_log obj $obj (isXotcl $isXotcl isNx $isNx) aa_log <pre>[$obj serialize]</pre> $obj destroy } } aa_equals "$msg leftover tdom cmds" $tdom 0 foreach n $domNodes { if {[string match domDoc0x* $n]} { aa_log node:$n\n<pre>[ns_quotehtml [$n asXML -indent 4]]</pre> $n delete } } if {$silent_p} { aa_log "$msg XOTcl objects: $xotcl nx objects: $nx nssets: $nssets" set mem_info [aa_used_application_memory] if {$mem_info ne ""} { dict with mem_info { aa_log "current memory: [format %.6f [expr {$current/1000000.0}]] MB " "difference to begin of this case: [format %.3f [expr {$diff/1000.0}]] KB" } } } }XQL Not present: Generic, PostgreSQL, Oracle