aa_run_with_teardown (public)

 aa_run_with_teardown -test_code test_code \
    [ -teardown_code teardown_code ] [ -rollback ]

Defined in packages/acs-automated-testing/tcl/aa-test-procs.tcl

Execute code in test_code and guarantee that code in teardown_code will be executed even if error is thrown. Will catch errors in teardown_code as well and provide stack traces for both code blocks.

-test_code (required)
Tcl code that sets up the test case and executes tests
-teardown_code (optional)
Tcl code that tears down database data etc. that needs to execute after testing even if error is thrown.
-rollback (optional, boolean)
If specified, any db transactions in test_code will be rolled back.
Peter Marklund

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_webtest_example webtest_example (test acs-automated-testing) aa_run_with_teardown aa_run_with_teardown test_webtest_example->aa_run_with_teardown aa_end_rollback_block aa_end_rollback_block (private) aa_run_with_teardown->aa_end_rollback_block aa_execute_rollback_tests aa_execute_rollback_tests (private) aa_run_with_teardown->aa_execute_rollback_tests aa_start_rollback_block aa_start_rollback_block (private) aa_run_with_teardown->aa_start_rollback_block db_transaction db_transaction (public) aa_run_with_teardown->db_transaction navigation::test::context_bar_multirow_filter navigation::test::context_bar_multirow_filter (private) navigation::test::context_bar_multirow_filter->aa_run_with_teardown packages/acs-core-docs/www/files/tutorial/myfirstpackage-procs.tcl packages/acs-core-docs/ www/files/tutorial/myfirstpackage-procs.tcl packages/acs-core-docs/www/files/tutorial/myfirstpackage-procs.tcl->aa_run_with_teardown

Source code:
    if { $rollback_p } {
        set test_code [string map [list @test_code@ $test_code] {
            set errmsg {}
            db_transaction {


                error "rollback tests"
            } on_error {
                # Execute the rollback block and trigger error.
                set errmsg [lindex [split $::errorInfo \n] 0]


            if { $errmsg ne {} && $errmsg ne "rollback tests" } {
                error "$errmsg \n\n $::errorInfo"

    # Testing
    set setup_error_p [catch {uplevel 1 $test_code} setup_error]
    set setup_error_stack $::errorInfo

    # Teardown
    set teardown_error_p 0
    if { $teardown_code ne "" } {
        set teardown_error_p [catch {uplevel 1 $teardown_code} teardown_error]
        set teardown_error_stack $::errorInfo

    # Provide complete error message and stack trace
    set error_text ""
    if { $setup_error_p } {
        append error_text "Setup failed with error $setup_error\n\n$setup_error_stack"
    if { $teardown_error_p } {
        append error_text "\n\nTeardown failed with error $teardown_error\n\n$teardown_error_stack"
    if { $error_text ne "" } {
        error $error_text
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