acs::Cluster method current_server_locations (protected)

 <instance of acs::Cluster[i]> current_server_locations \
    [ -network_drivers network_drivers ]

Defined in packages/acs-tcl/tcl/cluster-procs.tcl

Return a list of valid locations of the current server. Since "ns_driver info" is not yet available at the time, the *-init files are loaded, this method goes a long way to check for properties of all of the loaded modules. Network drivers with empty "port" or port == 0 are ignored.

-network_drivers (optional, defaults to "nssock nsssl nsudp")

No testcase defined.
Source code:
set result {}
set protos {nssock http nsssl https nsudp udp nscoap coap}
set module_file_regexp [join [dict keys $protos] |]

set containerMapping [::acs::container mapping]
if {$containerMapping ne ""} {
    # We have a container mapping. Return locations from
    # this mappings as externally callable locations.
    foreach {label mapping} $containerMapping {
        dict with mapping {
            lappend result [util::join_location  -proto $proto  -hostname $host  -port $port]
} else {
    # Standard setup, no docker involved. We determine the
    # network configuration of the current node from the
    # configuration settings.
    foreach module_section [list ns/server/[ns_info server]/modules ns/modules] {
        set modules [ns_configsection $module_section]
        if {$modules ne ""} {
            foreach {module file} [ns_set array $modules] {
                # To obtain independence of the driver name, we
                # check whether the name of the binary (*.so
                # or *.dylib) is one of the supported driver
                # modules.
                if {![regexp ($module_file_regexp) $file . module_type]} {

                #ns_log notice "current_server_locations: use module <$module> $file"
                set driver_section [ns_driversection -driver $module]
                foreach ip [ns_config $driver_section address] {
                    foreach port [ns_config -int $driver_section port] {
                        if {$port == 0} {
                        lappend result [:qualified_location  [util::join_location  -proto [dict get $protos $module_type]  -hostname $ip  -port $port]]
set result [lsort -unique $result]
ns_log notice "[self] current_server_locations returns $result"
return $result
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