acs::Cluster method setup (public)
<instance of acs::Cluster> setup
Defined in packages/acs-tcl/tcl/cluster-procs.tcl
Setup object specific variables. Make sure to call this method, when the called procs are available. Make sure the container support is initialized
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
Source code: ::acs::Container create ::acs::container # # Set the variables controlling the behavior # set :myLocations [:current_server_locations] set :myLocation [:preferred_location ${:myLocations}] set :canonicalServer [parameter::get -package_id $::acs::kernel_id -parameter CanonicalServer] set :canonicalServerLocation [:preferred_location [:qualified_location ${:canonicalServer}]] set :current_server_is_canonical_server [:current_server_is_canonical_server] set :staticServerLocations [lmap entry [parameter::get -package_id $::acs::kernel_id -parameter ClusterPeerIP] { :preferred_location [:qualified_location $entry] }] ns_log notice "[self]: cluster configured to" set :myLocations [:current_server_locations] set :myLocation [:preferred_location ${:myLocations}] ns_log notice "... myLocations ${:myLocations}" ns_log notice "... myLocation ${:myLocation}" ns_log notice "... canonicalServer ${:canonicalServer}" ns_log notice "... canonicalServerLocation ${:canonicalServerLocation}" ns_log notice "... current_server_is_canonical_server ${:current_server_is_canonical_server}" ns_log notice "... staticServerLocations '${:staticServerLocations}'"XQL Not present: Generic, PostgreSQL, Oracle