acs::Container method init (protected)

 <instance of acs::Container[i]> init

Defined in packages/acs-tcl/tcl/acs-container-procs.tcl

In case, a docker mapping is provided, source it to make it accessible during configuration. The mapping file is a Tcl script providing at least the Tcl dict ::docker::containerMapping containing the docker mapping. A dict key like "8080/tcp" (internal port) will return a dict containing the keys "host", "port" and "proto" (e.g. proto https host port 58115).

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Source code:
if {[file exists /scripts/docker-dict.tcl]} {
    source /scripts/docker-dict.tcl
    if {[info exists ::docker::containerMapping]} {
        set :containerMapping $::docker::containerMapping
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