acs::db::SQL method build_function_argument_list (protected)

 <instance of acs::db::SQL[i]> build_function_argument_list dict

Defined in packages/acs-tcl/tcl/acs-db-12-procs.tcl

Return argument list as used for procs and methods. Different backend provide data in different forms (types, meta model data), so we use in the case of Oracle a dict with the assembled data and we normalize to common grounds here.

dict (required)

No testcase defined.
Source code:
set result {}
#ns_log notice "build_function_argument_list $dict"        
foreach  argument_name [dict get $dict argument_names]  type [dict get $dict types]  optional [dict get $dict defaulted]  default [dict get $dict defaults]  {
        set arg_name [expr {$argument_name eq "DBN" ? "DBN"
                            : [string tolower $argument_name]}]
        if {$optional eq "N"} {
            set arg [:dbproc_arg -name $arg_name -type $type -required]
        } else {
            set arg [:db_proc_opt_arg_spec -name $arg_name -type $type -default $default]
        lappend result $arg
# ns_log notice "build_function_argument_list: $result"
return $result
XQL Not present:
Generic, PostgreSQL, Oracle
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