acs::db::SQL method build_stub_body (protected)
<instance of acs::db::SQL> build_stub_body package_name \ object_name sql_info
Defined in packages/acs-tcl/tcl/acs-db-12-procs.tcl
Generate stub for calling the DB function.
- Parameters:
- package_name (required)
- object_name (required)
- sql_info (required)
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
Source code: set sql_function_name [:sql_function_name ${package_name} ${object_name}] #ns_log notice "... $sql_function_name -> [dict get $sql_info result_type]" if {$sql_info eq ""} { ns_log notice "... ignore definition: $sql_function_name" return "" } set arg_info [:sql_function_argument_list $sql_info] set type_comment [subst { \# TYPES: [dict get $sql_info types]\n}] return $type_comment[:build_psql_body [dict get $arg_info tcl] "${sql_function_name}([dict get $arg_info sql_arguments])" [dict get $sql_info result_type]]XQL Not present: Generic, PostgreSQL, Oracle