acs::db::require_dc (private)

 acs::db::require_dc [ -backend backend ] [ -driver driver ] \
    [ -name name ]

Defined in packages/acs-tcl/tcl/acs-db-00-procs.tcl

Select the driver based on the specified argument (either DB or DBI) or based on the defaults for the configuration. This function can be used to switch the driver as well dynamically.

-backend (optional)
"postgresql" or "oracle" or empty. When empty, determine backed from db_driverkey.
-driver (optional)
"nsdb" or "nsdbi" or empty. When empty, assume "nsdb" unless "preferdbi" is set.
-name (optional, defaults to "::acs::dc")
of the interface object (defaults to "::acs::dc")
database interface object

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 db_driverkey db_driverkey (public) acs::db::require_dc acs::db::require_dc acs::db::require_dc->db_driverkey

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