acs::test::set_user (private)

 acs::test::set_user [ -session session ] user_info

Defined in packages/acs-automated-testing/tcl/aa-test-procs.tcl

When (login) cookies are given as member of "session", use these. In case the login cookie is empty (after an explicit logout) do NOT automatically log in. When (login) cookies are not given, use "user_info" for authentication. When we have a "user_id" and "address" in the "user_info", use these for direct logins. Otherwise the person info (name, email, ...) to log via register.

when given, use login information from there
user_info - dict containing user_id+session and/or email, last_name, username and password

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 acs::test::http acs::test::http (public) acs::test::set_user acs::test::set_user acs::test::http->acs::test::set_user aa_log aa_log (public) acs::test::set_user->aa_log acs::test::login acs::test::login (public) acs::test::set_user->acs::test::login ad_try ad_try (public) acs::test::set_user->ad_try ad_user_login ad_user_login (public) acs::test::set_user->ad_user_login

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