acs::test::user::create (public)

 acs::test::user::create [ -admin ] [ -email email ] [ -locale locale ] \
    [ -password password ] [ -user_id user_id ]

Defined in packages/acs-automated-testing/tcl/aa-test-procs.tcl

Create a test user with random email and password for testing. If an email is passed in and the party identified by the password exists, the user_id of this party is returned in the dict.

(boolean) (optional)
provide this switch to make the user site-wide admin
email for the user to be created
(defaults to "en_US") (optional)
locale for the user to be created
password for the user to be created
user_id for the user to be created
The user_info dict returned by auth::create_user. Contains the additional keys email and password.

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_acs_admin_merge_MergeUserInfo acs_admin_merge_MergeUserInfo (test acs-admin) acs::test::user::create acs::test::user::create test_acs_admin_merge_MergeUserInfo->acs::test::user::create test_acs_subsite_check_composite_group acs_subsite_check_composite_group (test acs-subsite) test_acs_subsite_check_composite_group->acs::test::user::create test_acs_subsite_expose_bug_1144 acs_subsite_expose_bug_1144 (test acs-subsite) test_acs_subsite_expose_bug_1144->acs::test::user::create test_acs_subsite_test_email_confirmation acs_subsite_test_email_confirmation (test acs-subsite) test_acs_subsite_test_email_confirmation->acs::test::user::create test_ad_proc_change_state_member ad_proc_change_state_member (test acs-tcl) test_ad_proc_change_state_member->acs::test::user::create aa_error aa_error (public) acs::test::user::create->aa_error aa_log aa_log (public) acs::test::user::create->aa_log acs_magic_object acs_magic_object (public) acs::test::user::create->acs_magic_object acs_user::get acs_user::get (public) acs::test::user::create->acs_user::get ad_generate_random_string ad_generate_random_string (public) acs::test::user::create->ad_generate_random_string packages/acs-core-docs/www/files/tutorial/myfirstpackage-procs.tcl packages/acs-core-docs/ www/files/tutorial/myfirstpackage-procs.tcl packages/acs-core-docs/www/files/tutorial/myfirstpackage-procs.tcl->acs::test::user::create twt::user::create twt::user::create (public, deprecated) twt::user::create->acs::test::user::create

acs_admin_merge_MergeUserInfo, auth_authenticate, auth_create_user, auth_password_change, auth_password_reset, auth_email_on_password_change, webtest_example, acs_subsite_expose_bug_1144, acs_subsite_check_composite_group, acs_subsite_test_email_confirmation, community_cc_procs, demote_promote_a_user, ad_proc_change_state_member, ad_proc_permission_grant_and_revoke, ad_proc_permission_permission_p, calendar_basic_api, create_form_with_form_instance, create_form_with_numeric, form_validate, nested_self_references
Source code:
        # Currently, we are not able to reuse the testing account
        # based on email, since a later login attempt for that account
        # fails, since we have no cookie yet, and the testing
        # authority does not allow logins via /login.
        if {$email ne "" && 0} {
            set party_info [party::get -email $email]
            if {[llength $party_info] > 0} {
                # We have such a party already. Return the usual
                # elements like on new creation.
                set d [acs_user::get -user_id [dict get $party_info party_id]]
                dict set user_info user_id [dict get $party_info party_id]
                dict set user_info password [dict get $d password]
                dict set user_info email [dict get $d email]
                dict set user_info first_names [dict get $d first_names]
                dict set user_info last_name [dict get $d last_name]
                return $user_info
        if {$password eq ""} {
            set password    [ad_generate_random_string]
        set username "__test_user_[ad_generate_random_string]"
        set email "$username@test.test"

        set first_names [ad_generate_random_string]
        set last_name   [ad_generate_random_string]

        set user_info [auth::create_user  -user_id $user_id  -username $username  -email $email  -first_names $first_names  -last_name $last_name  -password $password  -secret_question [ad_generate_random_string]  -secret_answer [ad_generate_random_string]  -authority_id [auth::authority::get_id -short_name "acs_testing"]]
        if {![dict exists $user_info user_id]} {
            aa_error "invalid USER_INFO (does not contain user_id): $user_info"
        lang::user::set_locale -user_id [dict get $user_info user_id] $locale
        if { [dict get $user_info creation_status] ne "ok" } {
            # Could not create user
            error "Could not create test user with username=$username user_info=[array get user_info]"

        dict set user_info password $password
        dict set user_info email $email
        dict set user_info first_names $first_names
        dict set user_info last_name $last_name

        #aa_log "Created user with email='$email' and password='$password'"
        aa_log "Created user with email='$email'"

        if { $admin_p } {
            aa_log "Making user site-wide admin"
            permission::grant -object_id  [acs_magic_object "security_context_root"]  -party_id [dict get $user_info user_id]  -privilege "admin"

        return $user_info
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