acs_mail_lite::imap_conn_go (private)
acs_mail_lite::imap_conn_go [ -conn_id conn_id ] [ -host host ] \ [ -password password ] [ -port port ] [ -timeout timeout ] \ [ -user user ] [ -flags flags ] [ -name_mb name_mb ] \ [ -default_to_inbox_p default_to_inbox_p ] \ [ -default_box_name default_box_name ]
Defined in packages/acs-mail-lite/tcl/imap-inbound-procs.tcl
Verifies connection (connId) is established. Tries to establish a connection if it doesn't exist. If mailbox doesn't exist, tries to find an inbox at root of tree or as close as possible to it. If -host parameter is supplied, will try connection with supplied params. Defaults to use connection info provided by parameters via acs_mail_lite::imap_conn_set.
- Switches:
- -conn_id (optional)
- -host (optional)
- -password (optional)
- -port (optional)
- Ignored for now. SSL automatically switches port.
- -timeout (optional)
- -user (optional)
- -flags (optional)
- -name_mb (optional)
- -default_to_inbox_p (optional, defaults to
)- If set to 1 and name_mb not found, assigns an inbox if found.
- -default_box_name (optional, defaults to
)- Set if default name for default_to_inbox_p should be something other than inbox.
- Returns:
- connectionId or empty string if unsuccessful.
- See Also:
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- acs_mail_lite_inbound_procs_check
Source code: # imap_conn_go = icg # imap_conn_set = ics if { $host eq "" } { set default_conn_set_p 1 set ics_list [acs_mail_lite::imap_conn_set ] foreach {n v} $ics_list { set $n "${v}" ns_log Dev "acs_mail_lite::imap_conn_go.596. set ${n} '${v}'" } } else { set default_conn_set_p 0 } set fl_list [split $flags " "] set connected_p 0 set prior_conn_exists_p 0 if { $conn_id ne "" } { # list {id opentime accesstime mailbox} ... set id "" set opentime "" set accesstime "" set mailbox "" set sessions_list [ns_imap sessions] set s_len [llength $sessions_list] ns_log Dev "acs_mail_lite::imap_conn_go.612: sessions_list '${sessions_list}'" # Example session_list as val0 val1 val2 val3 val4 val5 val6..: #'40 1501048046 1501048046 {{"testimap1"}<no_mailbox>} # 39 1501047978 1501047978 {{"testimap1"}<no_mailbox>}' set i 0 while { $i < $s_len && $id ne $conn_id } { set s_list [lindex $sessions_list 0] set id [lindex $s_list 0] if { $id eq $conn_id } { set prior_conn_exists_p 1 lassign $s_list . opentime accesstime mailbox } incr i } if { $prior_conn_exists_p eq 0 } { ns_log Warning "acs_mail_lite::imap_conn_go.620: Session broken? conn_id '${conn_id}' not found." } } if { $prior_conn_exists_p } { # Test connection. # status_flags = sf if { [catch { set sf_list [ns_imap status $conn_id ] } err_txt ] } { ns_log Warning "acs_mail_lite::imap_conn_go.624 Error connection conn_id '${conn_id}' unable to get status. Broken? Set to retry. Error is: ${err_txt}" set prior_conn_exists_p 0 } else { set connected_p 1 ns_log Dev "acs_mail_lite::imap_conn_go.640: fl_list '${fl_list}'" } } if { !$prior_conn_exists_p && $host ne "" } { if { "ssl" in $fl_list } { set ssl_p 1 } else { set ssl_p 0 } set mb [acs_mail_lite::imap_mailbox_join -host $host -name $name_mb -ssl_p $ssl_p] if { "novalidatecert" in $fl_list } { if { [catch { set conn_id [ns_imap open -novalidatecert -mailbox "${mb}" -user $user -password $password] } err_txt ] } { ns_log Warning "acs_mail_lite::imap_conn_go.653 Error attempting ns_imap open. Error is: '${err_txt}'" } else { set connected_p 1 ns_log Dev "acs_mail_lite::imap_conn_go.662: new session conn_id '${conn_id}'" } } else { if { [catch { set conn_id [ns_imap open -mailbox "${mb}" -user $user -password $password] } err_txt ] } { ns_log Warning "acs_mail_lite::imap_conn_go.653 Error attempting ns_imap open. Error is: '${err_txt}'" } else { set connected_p 1 ns_log Dev "acs_mail_lite::imap_conn_go.675: new session conn_id '${conn_id}'" } } } if { !$connected_p } { set conn_id "" } else { # Check if mailbox exists. set status_nv_list [ns_imap status $conn_id] array set stat_arr $status_nv_list set stat_n_list [array get names stat_arr] set msg_idx [lsearch -nocase -exact $stat_n_list "messages"] if { $msg_idx < 0 } { set mb_exists_p 0 ns_log Warning "acs_mail_lite::imap_conn_go.723 mailbox name '${name_mb}' not found." # top level = t set t_list [ns_imap list $conn_id $host {%}] ns_log Notice "acs_mail_lite::imap_conn_go.725 available top level mailbox names '${t_list}'" if { [llength $t_list < 2] && !$default_to_inbox_p } { # Provide more hints. set t_list [ns_imap list $conn_id $host {*}] ns_log Notice "acs_mail_lite::imap_conn_go.727 available mailbox names '${t_list}'" } } else { set mb_exists_p 1 } if { !$mb_exists_p && $default_to_inbox_p } { set mb_default "" set idx [lsearch -exact -nocase $t_list "${default_box_name}"] if { $idx < 0 } { set idx [lsearch -glob -nocase $t_list "${default_box_name}*"] } if { $idx < 0 } { set idx [lsearch -glob -nocase $t_list "*${default_box_name}*"] } if { $idx < 0 } { set t_list [ns_imap list $conn_id $mailbox_host {*}] set idx_list [lsearch -glob -nocase $t_list "*${default_box_name}*"] set i_pos_min 999 # find inbox closest to tree root foreach mb_q_idx $idx_list { set mb_q [lindex $tv_list $mb_q_idx] set i_pos [string first ${default_box_name} [string tolower $mb_q]] if { $idx < 0 || $i_pos < $i_pos_min } { set i_pos_min $i_pos set idx $mb_q_idx } } } # choose a box closest to tree root. if { $idx > -1 } { set mb_default [lindex $t_list $idx] if { $default_conn_set_p } { ns_log Notice "acs_mail_lite::imap_conn_go.775 Setting default to '${mb_default}'" acs_mail_lite::imap_conn_set -name_mb $mb_default } set mb [acs_mail_lite::imap_mailbox_join -host $host -name $name_mb -ssl_p $ssl_p] if { "novalidatecert" in $fl_list } { set conn_id [ns_imap reopen -novalidatecert -mailbox "${mb}" -user $user -password $password] } else { set conn_id [ns_imap open -mailbox "${mb}" -user $user -password $password] } } } } return $conn_idXQL Not present: Generic, PostgreSQL, Oracle