acs_mail_lite::imap_conn_set (private)
acs_mail_lite::imap_conn_set [ -host host ] [ -password password ] \ [ -port port ] [ -timeout timeout ] [ -user user ] \ [ -name_mb name_mb ] [ -flags flags ]
Defined in packages/acs-mail-lite/tcl/imap-inbound-procs.tcl
Returns a name value list of parameters used by ACS Mail Lite imap connections If a parameter is passed with value, the value is assigned to parameter.
- Switches:
- -host (optional)
- -password (optional)
- -port (optional)
- Ignored for now. SSL automatically switches port.
- -timeout (optional)
- -user (optional)
- -name_mb (optional)
- See nsimap documentation for
- -flags (optional)
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
Source code: # See one row table acs_mail_lite_imap_conn # imap_conn_ = ic set ic_list [list host password port timeout user name_mb flags] # ic fields = icf set icf_list [list ] foreach ic $ic_list { set icf [string range $ic 0 1] lappend icf_list $icf if { [info exists $ic] } { set new_arr(${ic}) [set $ic] } } set changes_p [array exists new] set exists_p [db_0or1row acs_mail_lite_imap_conn_r { select ho,pa,po,ti,us,na,fl from acs_mail_lite_imap_conn fetch first 1 rows only } ] if { !$exists_p } { # set initial defaults set mb [ns_config nsimap mailbox ""] set mb_good_form_p [regexp -nocase -- {^[{]([a-z0-9\.\/]+)[}]([a-z0-9\/\ \_]+)$} $mb x ho na] # ho and na defined by regexp? set ssl_p 0 if { !$mb_good_form_p } { ns_log Notice "acs_mail_lite::imap_conn_set.463. config.tcl's mailbox '${mb}' not in good form. Quote mailbox with curly braces like: {{}} " set mb_list [acs_mail_lite::imap_mailbox_split $mb] if { [llength $mb_list] == 3 } { lassign $mb_list ho na ssl_p ns_log Notice "acs_mail_lite::imap_conn_set.479: Used alternate parsing. host '${ho}' '${na}' ssl_p '${ssl_p}'" } else { set ho [ns_config nssock hostname ""] if { $ho eq "" } { set ho [ns_config nssock_v4 hostname ""] } if { $ho eq "" } { set ho [ns_config nssock_v6 hostname ""] } set na "mail/INBOX" set mb [acs_mail_lite::imap_mailbox_join -host $ho -name $na] ns_log Notice "acs_mail_lite::imap_conn_set.482: Using values from nsd config.tcl. host '${ho}' '${na}'" } } set pa [ns_config nsimap password ""] set po [ns_config nsimap port ""] set ti [ns_config -int nsimap timeout 1800] set us [ns_config nsimap user ""] if { $ssl_p } { set fl "/ssl" } else { set fl "" } } if { !$exists_p || $changes_p } { set validated_p 1 set n_pv_list [array names new] if { $changes_p } { # new = n foreach n $n_pv_list { switch -exact -- $n { port - timeout { if { $n_arr(${n}) eq "" } { set v_p 1 } else { set v_p [string is digit -strict $n_arr(${n})] if { $v_p } { if { $n_arr(${n}) < 0 } { set v_p 0 } } } } name_mb - flags - host - password - user { if { $n_arr(${n}) eq "" } { set v_p 1 } else { set v_p [regexp -- {^[[:graph:]\ ]+$} $n_arr(${n})] if { $v_p && [string match {*[\[;]*} $n_arr(${n}) ] } { set v_p 0 } } } defaults { ns_log Warning "acs_mail_lite::imap_conn_set No validation check made for parameter '${n}'" } } if { !$v_p } { set validated_p 0 ns_log Warning "acs_mail_lite::imap_conn_set value '$n_arr(${n})' for parameter '${n}' not allowed." } } } if { $validated_p } { foreach ic_n $n_pv_list { set ${ic_n} $n_arr($ic_n) } db_transaction { if { $changes_p } { db_dml acs_mail_lite_imap_conn_d { delete from acs_mail_lite_imap_conn } } db_dml acs_mail_lite_imap_conn_i { insert into acs_mail_lite_imap_conn (ho,pa,po,ti,us,na,fl) values (:ho,:pa,:po,:ti,:us,:na,:fl) } } } } set i_list [list ] foreach i $ic_list { set svi [string range $i 0 1] set sv [set ${svi}] lappend i_list ${i} $sv } return $i_listXQL Not present: Generic, PostgreSQL, Oracle