acs_user::get_by_username_not_cached (private)

 acs_user::get_by_username_not_cached -authority_id authority_id \
    -username username

Defined in packages/acs-tcl/tcl/community-core-procs.tcl

Returns user_id from authority and username. Returns the empty string if no user found.

The authority. Defaults to local authority.
The username of the user you're trying to find.
user_id of the user, or the empty string if no user found.

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 acs_user::get_by_username acs_user::get_by_username (public) acs_user::get_by_username_not_cached acs_user::get_by_username_not_cached acs_user::get_by_username->acs_user::get_by_username_not_cached db_string db_string (public) acs_user::get_by_username_not_cached->db_string

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