acs_user::promote_person_to_user (public)

 acs_user::promote_person_to_user [ -person_id person_id ] \
    [ -authority_id authority_id ] [ -username username ] \
    [ -password password ] [ -locale locale ]

Defined in packages/acs-tcl/tcl/community-core-procs.tcl

Promotes a person/party to an ACS user.

the person_id in the acs system that should be promoted to a user.
the authority that will be used for the user.
the username to be used for this user. Defaults to the person's email
the password to be used for this user. Defaults to a randomly generated password.
locale to be used in user preferences. Defaults to the site wide locale is taken.
The user_id of the person promoted to user
An error is thrown if the username is already in use, or the person_id has no email address, or if person_id is not in the persons table.
See Also:

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_demote_promote_a_user demote_promote_a_user (test acs-tcl) acs_user::promote_person_to_user acs_user::promote_person_to_user test_demote_promote_a_user->acs_user::promote_person_to_user acs_user::flush_cache acs_user::flush_cache (public) acs_user::promote_person_to_user->acs_user::flush_cache acs_user::get_by_username acs_user::get_by_username (public) acs_user::promote_person_to_user->acs_user::get_by_username db_dml db_dml (public) acs_user::promote_person_to_user->db_dml db_exec_plsql db_exec_plsql (public) acs_user::promote_person_to_user->db_exec_plsql db_transaction db_transaction (public) acs_user::promote_person_to_user->db_transaction

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