ad_html_to_text (public)

 ad_html_to_text [ -maxlen maxlen ] [ -showtags ] [ -no_format ] html

Defined in packages/acs-tcl/tcl/text-html-procs.tcl

Returns a best-guess plain text version of an HTML fragment. Parses the HTML and does some simple formatting. The parser and formatting is pretty stupid, but it's better than nothing.

(defaults to "70") (optional)
the line length you want your output wrapped to.
(boolean) (optional)
causes any unknown (and uninterpreted) tags to get shown in the output.
(boolean) (optional)
causes hyperlink tags not to get listed at the end of the output.
Lars Pind <>
Aaron Swartz <>
19 July 2000

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_ad_html_to_text_anchor ad_html_to_text_anchor (test acs-tcl) ad_html_to_text ad_html_to_text test_ad_html_to_text_anchor->ad_html_to_text test_ad_html_to_text_bold ad_html_to_text_bold (test acs-tcl) test_ad_html_to_text_bold->ad_html_to_text test_ad_html_to_text_clipped_link ad_html_to_text_clipped_link (test acs-tcl) test_ad_html_to_text_clipped_link->ad_html_to_text test_ad_html_to_text_image ad_html_to_text_image (test acs-tcl) test_ad_html_to_text_image->ad_html_to_text test_html_to_text html_to_text (test acs-tcl) test_html_to_text->ad_html_to_text ad_html_to_text_put_newline ad_html_to_text_put_newline (private) ad_html_to_text->ad_html_to_text_put_newline ad_html_to_text_put_text ad_html_to_text_put_text (private) ad_html_to_text->ad_html_to_text_put_text ad_parse_html_attributes ad_parse_html_attributes (public) ad_html_to_text->ad_parse_html_attributes acs_admin::check_expired_certificates acs_admin::check_expired_certificates (private) acs_admin::check_expired_certificates->ad_html_to_text acs_mail_lite::utils::build_body acs_mail_lite::utils::build_body (private) acs_mail_lite::utils::build_body->ad_html_to_text ad_enhanced_text_to_plain_text ad_enhanced_text_to_plain_text (public) ad_enhanced_text_to_plain_text->ad_html_to_text ad_html_text_convert ad_html_text_convert (public) ad_html_text_convert->ad_html_to_text ad_parse_incoming_email ad_parse_incoming_email (public) ad_parse_incoming_email->ad_html_to_text

html_to_text, ad_html_to_text_bold, ad_html_to_text_anchor, ad_html_to_text_image, ad_html_to_text_clipped_link, text_to_html
Source code:
    set output(text) {}
    set output(linelen) 0
    set output(maxlen) $maxlen
    set output(pre) 0
    set output(p) 0
    set output(br) 0
    set output(space) 0
    set output(blockquote) 0

    set length [string length $html]
    set last_tag_end 0

    # For showing the URL of links.
    set href_urls [list]
    set href_stack [list]

    for { set i [string first < $html] } { $i != -1 } { set i [string first < $html $i] } {
        # append everything up to and not including the tag-opening <
        ad_html_to_text_put_text output [string range $html $last_tag_end $i-1]

        # Check that:
        #  - we're not past the end of the string
        #  - and that the tag starts with either
        #     - alpha or
        #     - a slash, and then alpha
        # Otherwise, it's probably just a lone < character
        if { $i >= $length - 1 ||
             (![string is alpha [string index $html $i+1]]
              && [string index $html $i+1] ne "!"
              && ("/" ne [string index $html $i+1] ||
                  ![string is alpha [string index $html $i+2]]))
         } {
            # Output the < and continue with next character
            ad_html_to_text_put_text output "<"
            set last_tag_end [incr i]
        } elseif {[string match "!--*" [string range $html $i+1 end]]} {
            # Handle HTML comments, I can't believe no one noticed
            # this before.  This code maybe not be elegant but it
            # works.

            # find the closing comment tag.
            set comment_idx [string first "-->" $html $i]
            if {$comment_idx == -1} {
                # no comment close, escape
                set last_tag_end $i
                set i $comment_idx
            set i [expr {$comment_idx + 3}]
            set last_tag_end $i

        # we're inside a tag now. Find the end of it

        # make i point to the char after the <
        incr i
        set tag_start $i

        set count 0
        while 1 {
            if {[incr count] > 3000 } {
                # JCD: the programming bug is that an unmatched <
                # in the input runs off forever looking for its
                # closing > and in some long text like program
                # listings you can have lots of quotes before you
                # find that >
                error "There appears to be a programming bug in ad_html_to_text: We've entered an infinite loop."
            # Find the positions of the first quote, apostrophe and greater-than sign.
            set quote_idx [string first \" $html $i]
            set apostrophe_idx [string first ' $html $i]
            set gt_idx [string first > $html $i]

            # If there is no greater-than sign, then the tag isn't closed.
            if { $gt_idx == -1 } {
                set i $length

            # Find the first of the quote and the apostrophe
            if { $apostrophe_idx == -1 } {
                set string_delimiter_idx $quote_idx
            } else {
                if { $quote_idx == -1 } {
                    set string_delimiter_idx $apostrophe_idx
                } else {
                    if { $apostrophe_idx < $quote_idx } {
                        set string_delimiter_idx $apostrophe_idx
                    } else {
                        set string_delimiter_idx $quote_idx
            set string_delimiter [string index $html $string_delimiter_idx]

            # If the greater than sign appears before any of the
            # string delimiters, we've found the tag end.
            if { $gt_idx < $string_delimiter_idx || $string_delimiter_idx == -1 } {
                # we found the tag end
                set i $gt_idx

            # Otherwise, we'll have to skip past the ending string delimiter
            set i [string first $string_delimiter $html [incr string_delimiter_idx]]
            if { $i == -1 } {
                # Missing string end delimiter
                set i $length
            incr i

        set full_tag [string range $html $tag_start $i-1]

        if { ![regexp {^(/?)([^\s]+)[\s]*(\s.*)?$} $full_tag match slash tagname attributes] } {
            # A malformed tag -- just delete it
        } else {

            # Reset/create attribute array
            array unset attribute_array

            # Parse the attributes
            ad_parse_html_attributes -attribute_array attribute_array $attributes

            switch -- [string tolower $tagname] {
                p - ul - ol - table {
                    set output(p) 1
                br {
                    ad_html_to_text_put_newline output
                tr - td - th {
                    set output(br) 1
                h1 - h2 - h3 - h4 - h5 - h6 {
                    set output(p) 1
                    if { $slash eq "" } {
                        ad_html_to_text_put_text output [string repeat "*" [string index $tagname 1]]
                li {
                    set output(br) 1
                    if { $slash eq "" } {
                        ad_html_to_text_put_text output "- "
                strong - b {
                    ad_html_to_text_put_text output "*"
                em - i - cite - u {
                    ad_html_to_text_put_text output "_"
                a {
                    if { !$no_format_p } {
                        if { $slash eq ""} {
                            if { [info exists attribute_array(href)]
                                 && [string index $attribute_array(href) 0] ni {"#" ""}
                             } {
                                if { [info exists attribute_array(title)] } {
                                    set title ": '$attribute_array(title)'"
                                } else {
                                    set title ""
                                set href_no [expr {[llength $href_urls] + 1}]
                                lappend href_urls "\[$href_no\] $attribute_array(href) "
                                lappend href_stack "\[$href_no$title\]"
                            } elseif { [info exists attribute_array(title)] } {
                                lappend href_stack "\[$attribute_array(title)\]"
                            } else {
                                lappend href_stack {}
                        } else {
                            if { [llength $href_stack] > 0 } {
                                if { [lindex $href_stack end] ne "" } {
                                    ad_html_to_text_put_text output " [lindex $href_stack end]"
                                set href_stack [lreplace $href_stack end end]
                pre {
                    set output(p) 1
                    if { $slash eq "" } {
                        incr output(pre)
                    } else {
                        incr output(pre) -1
                blockquote {
                    set output(p) 1
                    if { $slash eq "" } {
                        incr output(blockquote)
                        incr output(maxlen) -4
                    } else {
                        incr output(blockquote) -1
                        incr output(maxlen) 4
                hr {
                    set output(p) 1
                    ad_html_to_text_put_text output [string repeat "-" $output(maxlen)]
                    set output(p) 1
                q {
                    ad_html_to_text_put_text output \"
                img {
                    if { $slash eq "" && !$no_format_p } {
                        set img_info {}
                        if { [info exists attribute_array(alt)] } {
                            lappend img_info "'$attribute_array(alt)'"
                        if { [info exists attribute_array(src)] } {
                            if {[string match "data:*" $attribute_array(src)]} {
                                lappend img_info "data:..."
                            } else {
                                lappend img_info $attribute_array(src)
                        if { [llength $img_info] == 0 } {
                            ad_html_to_text_put_text output {[IMAGE]}
                        } else {
                            ad_html_to_text_put_text output "\[IMAGE: [join $img_info " "]\]"
                default {
                    # Other tag
                    if { $showtags_p } {
                        ad_html_to_text_put_text output "&lt;$slash$tagname$attributes&gt;"

        # set end of last tag to the character following the >
        set last_tag_end [incr i]
    # append everything after the last tag
    ad_html_to_text_put_text output [string range $html $last_tag_end end]

    # Close any unclosed tags
    set output(pre) 0
    while { $output(blockquote) > 0 } {
        incr output(blockquote) -1
        incr output(maxlen) 4

    # write out URLs, if necessary:
    if { [llength $href_urls] > 0 } {
        append output(text) "\n\n[join $href_urls "\n"]"

    # conversion like in ad_text_to_html
    # 2006/09/12
    set  myChars  {
        ª º À Á Â Ã Ä Å Æ Ç
        È É Ê Ë Ì Í Î Ï Ð Ñ
        Ò Ó Ô Õ Ö Ø Ù Ú Û Ü
        Ý Þ ß à á â ã ä å æ
        ç è é ê ë ì í î ï ð
        ñ ò ó ô õ ö ø ù ú û
        ü ý þ ÿ ¿

    set  myHTML  {
        &ordf; &ordm; &Agrave; &Aacute; &Acirc; &Atilde; &Auml; &Aring; &Aelig; &Ccedil;
        &Egrave; &Eacute; &Ecirc; &Euml; &Igrave; &Iacute; &Icirc; &Iuml; &ETH; &Ntilde;
        &Ograve; &Oacute; &Ocirc; &Otilde; &Ouml; &Oslash; &Ugrave; &Uacute; &Ucirc; &Uuml;
        &Yacute; &THORN; &szlig; &agrave; &aacute; &acirc; &atilde; &auml; &aring; &aelig;
        &ccedil; &egrave; &eacute; &ecirc; &euml; &igrave; &iacute; &icirc; &iuml; &eth;
        &ntilde; &ograve; &oacute; &ocirc; &otilde; &ouml; &oslash; &ugrave; &uacute; &ucirc;
        &uuml; &yacute; &thorn; &yuml; &iquest;

    set map {}
    foreach ch $myChars entity $myHTML {
        lappend map $entity $ch

    return [string map $map $output(text)]
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