ad_return_exception_page (public)

 ad_return_exception_page status title explanation

Defined in packages/acs-tcl/tcl/defs-procs.tcl

Returns an exception page.

status (required)
HTTP status to be returned (e.g. 500, 404)
title (required)
Title to be used for the error (will be shown to user)
explanation (required)
Explanation for the exception.

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 ad_return_error ad_return_error (public) ad_return_exception_page ad_return_exception_page ad_return_error->ad_return_exception_page ad_return_forbidden ad_return_forbidden (public) ad_return_forbidden->ad_return_exception_page ad_return_warning ad_return_warning (public) ad_return_warning->ad_return_exception_page download_repository_info download_repository_info (public) download_repository_info->ad_return_exception_page packages/faq/www/one-faq.tcl packages/faq/ www/one-faq.tcl packages/faq/www/one-faq.tcl->ad_return_exception_page ad_conn ad_conn (public) ad_return_exception_page->ad_conn ad_parse_template ad_parse_template (public) ad_return_exception_page->ad_parse_template parameter::get_from_package_key parameter::get_from_package_key (public) ad_return_exception_page->parameter::get_from_package_key

No testcase defined.
Source code:
    set error_template [parameter::get_from_package_key  -package_key "acs-tcl"  -parameter "ReturnError"  -default "/packages/acs-tcl/lib/ad-return-error"]
    set page [ad_parse_template  -params [list [list title $title] [list explanation $explanation]]  $error_template]
    if {$status >= 400
        && [string match {*; MSIE *} [ns_set iget [ad_conn headers] User-Agent]]
        && [string length $page] < 512 } {
        append page [string repeat " " [expr {513 - [string length $page]}]]

    ns_return $status text/html $page

    # raise abortion flag, e.g., for templating
    set ::request_aborted [list $status $title]
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