api_proc_pretty_name (public)
api_proc_pretty_name [ -link ] [ -include_debug_controls ] \ [ -hints_only ] [ -proc_type proc_type ] [ -label label ] proc
Defined in packages/acs-api-browser/tcl/acs-api-documentation-procs.tcl
- Switches:
- -link (optional, boolean)
- provide a link to the documentation pages
- -include_debug_controls (optional, boolean)
- -hints_only (optional, boolean)
- -proc_type (optional)
- -label (optional)
- the label printed for the proc in the header line
- Parameters:
- proc (required)
- Returns:
- a pretty version of a proc name
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- acs_api_browser_api_proc_pretty_name
Source code: if {$hints_only_p} { set out "" set debug_html "" } else { if {![info exists label]} { set label $proc } if { $link_p } { append out [subst {<a href="[ns_quotehtml [api_proc_url $proc]]">$label</a>}] } else { append out $label } set debug_html [expr {$include_debug_controls_p && [namespace which ::xo::api] ne "" ? [::xo::api debug_widget $proc] : ""}] } if {[nsv_exists api_proc_doc $proc]} { set doc_elements [nsv_get api_proc_doc $proc] } else { set doc_elements "" } set hints {} if {$proc_type ne ""} { lappend hints $proc_type } if {[dict exists $doc_elements protection]} { lappend hints [dict get $doc_elements protection] } if {[dict exists $doc_elements deprecated_p] && [dict get $doc_elements deprecated_p] } { lappend hints deprecated } if {[llength $hints] > 0} { if {$out ne ""} { append out " " } append out "([join $hints {, }])" } append out $debug_html return $outXQL Not present: Generic, PostgreSQL, Oracle