apm_tag_value (private)
apm_tag_value [ -default default ] root property_name
Defined in packages/acs-tcl/tcl/apm-xml-procs.tcl
Parses the XML element and returns the associated property name if it exists.
- Switches:
- -default (optional)
- Parameters:
- root (required)
- property_name (required)
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
Source code: ns_log Debug "apm_tag_value [$root nodeName] $property_name" set node [xml_node_get_first_child_by_name $root $property_name] if { $node ne "" } { return [xml_node_get_content $node] } ns_log Debug "apm_tag_value $root $property_name $default --> $default" return $defaultXQL Not present: PostgreSQL, Oracle Generic XQL file: packages/acs-tcl/tcl/apm-xml-procs.xql