auth::local::registration::Register (private)

 auth::local::registration::Register parameters username authority_id \
    first_names last_name screen_name email url password \
    secret_question secret_answer

Defined in packages/acs-authentication/tcl/local-procs.tcl

Implements the Register operation of the auth_registration service contract for the local account implementation.

parameters (required)
username (required)
authority_id (required)
first_names (required)
last_name (required)
screen_name (required)
email (required)
url (required)
password (required)
secret_question (required)
secret_answer (required)

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_auth_registration_implementations auth_registration_implementations (test acs-authentication) auth::local::registration::Register auth::local::registration::Register test_auth_registration_implementations->auth::local::registration::Register acs_mail_lite::send acs_mail_lite::send (public) auth::local::registration::Register->acs_mail_lite::send acs_user::get_by_username acs_user::get_by_username (public) auth::local::registration::Register->acs_user::get_by_username ad_change_password ad_change_password (public) auth::local::registration::Register->ad_change_password ad_conn ad_conn (public) auth::local::registration::Register->ad_conn ad_generate_random_string ad_generate_random_string (public) auth::local::registration::Register->ad_generate_random_string AcsSc.auth_registration.register.local AcsSc.auth_registration.register.local (private) AcsSc.auth_registration.register.local->auth::local::registration::Register auth::local::registration::register_impl auth::local::registration::register_impl (private) auth::local::registration::register_impl->auth::local::registration::Register

Source code:
    array set result {
        creation_status "ok"
        creation_message {}
        element_messages {}
        account_status "ok"
        account_message {}
        generated_pwd_p 0
        password {}

    # We don't create anything here, so creation always succeeds
    # And we don't check local account, either

    set subsite_id [ad_conn subsite_id]

    # LARS TODO: Move this out of the local driver and into the auth framework
    # Generate random password?
    set generated_pwd_p 0
    if { $password eq ""
         || [parameter::get  -package_id $subsite_id  -parameter RegistrationProvidesRandomPasswordP  -default 0]
     } {
        set password [ad_generate_random_string]
        set generated_pwd_p 1
    set result(generated_pwd_p) $generated_pwd_p
    set result(password) $password

    # Set user's password
    set user_id [acs_user::get_by_username -authority_id $authority_id -username $username]
    ad_change_password $user_id $password

    # Used in messages below
    set system_name [ad_system_name]
    set system_url [ad_url]

    # LARS TODO: Move this out of the local driver and into the auth framework
    # Send password confirmation email to user
    if { [parameter::get  -parameter EmailRegistrationConfirmationToUserP  -package_id $subsite_id -default 1] } {
        ad_try {
            auth::password::email_password  -username $username  -authority_id $authority_id  -password $password  -from [parameter::get  -parameter NewRegistrationEmailAddress  -package_id $subsite_id  -default [ad_system_owner]]  -subject_msg_key "acs-subsite.email_subject_Registration_password"  -body_msg_key "acs-subsite.email_body_Registration_password"
        } on error {errorMsg} {
            # We don't fail hard here, just log an error
            ad_log Error "Error sending registration confirmation to $email: $errorMsg"

    # LARS TODO: Move this out of the local driver and into the auth framework
    # Notify admin on new registration
    if { [parameter::get  -parameter NotifyAdminOfNewRegistrationsP  -package_id $subsite_id  -default 0] } {
        ad_try {
            set admin_email [parameter::get  -parameter NewRegistrationEmailAddress  -package_id $subsite_id  -default [ad_system_owner]]
            set admin_id [party::get_by_email -email $admin_email]
            if { $admin_id eq "" } {
                set admin_locale [lang::system::site_wide_locale]
            } else {
                set admin_locale [lang::user::locale -user_id $admin_id]

            set system_url [ad_url]

            acs_mail_lite::send  -send_immediately  -to_addr $admin_email  -from_addr [ad_outgoing_sender]  -subject [lang::message::lookup $admin_locale acs-subsite.lt_New_registration_at_s]  -body [lang::message::lookup $admin_locale acs-subsite.lt_first_names_last_name]
        } on error {errorMsg} {
            # We don't fail hard here, just log an error
            ad_log Error "Error sending admin notification to $admin_email: $errorMsg"

    return [array get result]
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