auth::local::search::Search (private)

 auth::local::search::Search search_text [ parameters ]

Defined in packages/acs-authentication/tcl/local-procs.tcl

Implements the Search operation of the auth_search service contract for the local account implementation.

search_text (required)
parameters (optional)

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 auth::authority::local auth::authority::local (public) db_list db_list (public) auth::local::search::Search auth::local::search::Search auth::local::search::Search->auth::authority::local auth::local::search::Search->db_list

No testcase defined.
Source code:
    set authority_id [auth::authority::local]
    return [db_list user_search {
        select distinct username
        from   cc_users u
        where  authority_id = :authority_id
               and upper(coalesce(u.first_names || ' ', '')  ||
                         coalesce(u.last_name || ' ', '') ||
                || ' ' ||
                         u.username || ' ' ||
                         coalesce(u.screen_name, '')) like upper('%'||:search_text||'%')
        order  by username
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