auth::password::get_change_url (public)
auth::password::get_change_url -user_id user_id
Defined in packages/acs-authentication/tcl/password-procs.tcl
Returns the URL to redirect to for changing passwords. If the user's authority has a "change_pwd_url" set, it'll return that, otherwise it'll return a link to /user/password-update under the nearest subsite.
- Switches:
- -user_id (required)
- The ID of the user whose password you want to change.
- Returns:
- A URL that can be linked to for changing password.
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- auth_password_get_change_url
Source code: db_1row select_vars { select aa.change_pwd_url, u.username from auth_authorities aa, users u where aa.authority_id = u.authority_id and u.user_id = :user_id } # Interpolate any username variable in URL regsub -all "{username}" $change_pwd_url $username change_pwd_url # Default to the OpenACS change password URL if { $change_pwd_url eq "" } { set change_pwd_url [export_vars -base "[subsite::get_element -element url]user/password-update" { user_id }] } return $change_pwd_urlXQL Not present: Generic, PostgreSQL, Oracle