auth::registration::create_contract (private)


Defined in packages/acs-authentication/tcl/apm-callback-procs.tcl

Create service contract for account registration.

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 auth::package_install auth::package_install (private) auth::registration::create_contract auth::registration::create_contract auth::package_install->auth::registration::create_contract acs_sc::contract::new_from_spec acs_sc::contract::new_from_spec (public) auth::registration::create_contract->acs_sc::contract::new_from_spec auth::registration::GetElements auth::registration::GetElements (private) auth::registration::create_contract->auth::registration::GetElements auth::registration::Register auth::registration::Register (private) auth::registration::create_contract->auth::registration::Register

No testcase defined.
Source code:
    set spec {
        name "auth_registration"
        description "Registering accounts for authentication"
        operations {
            GetElements {
                description {
                    Get a list of required and a list of optional fields available when registering accounts through this
                    service contract implementation.
                input {
                output {
            Register {
                description {
                    Register a new account. Valid status codes are: 'ok', 'data_error', and 'reg_error', and 'fail'.
                    'data_error' means that the implementation is returning an array-list of element-name, message 
                    with error messages for each individual element. 'reg_error' is any other registration error, 
                    and 'fail' is reserved to communications or implementation errors.
                input {
                output {
            GetParameters {
                description {
                    Get an array-list of the parameters required by this service contract implementation.
                output {

    acs_sc::contract::new_from_spec -spec $spec
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