auth::sync::job::create_entry (public)

 auth::sync::job::create_entry -job_id job_id -operation operation \
    -username username [ -user_id user_id ] [ -success ] \
    [ -message message ] [ -element_messages element_messages ]

Defined in packages/acs-authentication/tcl/sync-procs.tcl

Record a batch job entry.

-job_id (required)
The ID of the batch job you're ending.
-operation (required)
One of 'insert', 'update', or 'delete'.
-username (required)
The username of the user being inserted/updated/deleted.
-user_id (optional)
The user_id of the local user account, if known.
-success (optional, boolean)
Whether or not the operation went well.
-message (optional)
Any error message to stick into the log.
-element_messages (optional)

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_auth_sync_process_ims_implementations auth_sync_process_ims_implementations (test acs-authentication) auth::sync::job::create_entry auth::sync::job::create_entry test_auth_sync_process_ims_implementations->auth::sync::job::create_entry test_sync_start_end sync_start_end (test acs-authentication) test_sync_start_end->auth::sync::job::create_entry db_dml db_dml (public) auth::sync::job::create_entry->db_dml db_nextval db_nextval (public) auth::sync::job::create_entry->db_nextval auth::sync::job::action auth::sync::job::action (public) auth::sync::job::action->auth::sync::job::create_entry

sync_start_end, auth_sync_process_ims_implementations
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