auth::authority::edit (public)

 auth::authority::edit -authority_id authority_id -array array

Defined in packages/acs-authentication/tcl/authority-procs.tcl

Edit info about an authority. Note that there's no checking that the columns you name exist.

The authority you want to get.
Name of an array with column values to update.
Lars Pind <>

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_auth_authority_api auth_authority_api (test acs-authentication) auth::authority::edit auth::authority::edit test_auth_authority_api->auth::authority::edit test_auth_authority_edit auth_authority_edit (test acs-authentication) test_auth_authority_edit->auth::authority::edit auth::authority::get_columns auth::authority::get_columns (private) auth::authority::edit->auth::authority::get_columns auth::authority::get_element auth::authority::get_element (public) auth::authority::edit->auth::authority::get_element auth::authority::get_flush auth::authority::get_flush (private) auth::authority::edit->auth::authority::get_flush auth::authority::get_id_flush auth::authority::get_id_flush (private) auth::authority::edit->auth::authority::get_id_flush db_dml db_dml (public) auth::authority::edit->db_dml auth::authority::create auth::authority::create (public) auth::authority::create->auth::authority::edit auth::local::install auth::local::install (private) auth::local::install->auth::authority::edit auth::local::uninstall auth::local::uninstall (private) auth::local::uninstall->auth::authority::edit packages/acs-admin/www/auth/authority-set-enabled-p.tcl packages/acs-admin/ www/auth/authority-set-enabled-p.tcl packages/acs-admin/www/auth/authority-set-enabled-p.tcl->auth::authority::edit packages/acs-admin/www/auth/authority-set-sort-order.tcl packages/acs-admin/ www/auth/authority-set-sort-order.tcl packages/acs-admin/www/auth/authority-set-sort-order.tcl->auth::authority::edit

auth_authority_api, auth_authority_edit
Source code:
    # We need this to flush the cache later
    set old_short_name [get_element -authority_id $authority_id -element short_name]

    upvar $array row

    set names [array names row]

    # Construct clauses for the update statement
    set set_clauses [list]
    foreach name $names {
        lappend set_clauses "$name = :$name"

    if { [llength $set_clauses] == 0 } {
        # No rows to update

    set columns [get_columns]

    # Check that the columns provided in the array are all valid
    # Set array entries as local variables
    foreach name $names {
        if {$name ni $columns} {
            error "Attribute '$name' isn't valid for auth_authorities."
        if {$name eq "authority_id"} {
            error "Attribute '$name' is the primary key for auth_authorities, and thus cannot be edited."
        set $name $row($name)

    db_dml update_authority "
        update auth_authorities
        set    [join $set_clauses ""]
        where  authority_id = :authority_id

    get_flush -authority_id $authority_id
    get_id_flush -short_name $old_short_name

    # check if we need to update the object title
    set new_short_name [get_element -authority_id $authority_id -element short_name]
    if {$old_short_name ne $new_short_name } {
        db_dml update_object_title {}
Generic XQL file:
<fullquery name="auth::authority::edit.update_object_title">
	    update acs_objects
	    set title = :new_short_name
	    where object_id = :authority_id

PostgreSQL XQL file:

Oracle XQL file:

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