bug_tracker::category_get_options (public)
bug_tracker::category_get_options [ -package_id package_id ] \ -parent_id parent_id
Defined in packages/bug-tracker/tcl/bug-tracker-procs.tcl
- Switches:
- -package_id (optional)
- -parent_id (required)
- The category type's keyword_id
- Returns:
- options-list for a select widget for the given category type
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
Source code: set options [list] foreach elm [get_keywords -package_id $package_id] { lassign $elm elm_child_id elm_child_heading elm_parent_id if { $elm_parent_id == $parent_id } { lappend options [list $elm_child_heading $elm_child_id] } } return $optionsGeneric XQL file: packages/bug-tracker/tcl/bug-tracker-procs.xql
PostgreSQL XQL file: packages/bug-tracker/tcl/bug-tracker-procs-postgresql.xql
Oracle XQL file: packages/bug-tracker/tcl/bug-tracker-procs-oracle.xql