calendar::item::edit (public)
calendar::item::edit -cal_item_id cal_item_id -start_date start_date \ -end_date end_date -name name -description description \ [ -item_type_id item_type_id ] [ -edit_all_p edit_all_p ] \ [ -edit_past_events_p edit_past_events_p ] \ [ -calendar_id calendar_id ] [ -location location ] \ [ -related_link_url related_link_url ] \ [ -related_link_text related_link_text ] \ [ -redirect_to_rel_link_p redirect_to_rel_link_p ] \ [ -cal_uid cal_uid ] [ -ical_vars ical_vars ]
Defined in packages/calendar/tcl/cal-item-procs.tcl
Edit the item
- Switches:
- -cal_item_id (required)
- -start_date (required)
- -end_date (required)
- -name (required)
- -description (required)
- -item_type_id (optional)
- -edit_all_p (optional, defaults to
)- -edit_past_events_p (optional, defaults to
)- -calendar_id (optional)
- -location (optional)
- -related_link_url (optional)
- -related_link_text (optional)
- -redirect_to_rel_link_p (optional)
- -cal_uid (optional)
- -ical_vars (optional)
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- cal_item_edit_recurrence
Source code: if {[dates_valid_p -start_date $start_date -end_date $end_date]} { if {$edit_all_p} { set recurrence_id [db_string select_recurrence_id {}] # # If the recurrence id is empty (coming from NULL value), # then we stop here and just do the normal update # if {$recurrence_id ne ""} { #ns_log notice "recurrence_id $recurrence_id" calendar::item::edit_recurrence -event_id $cal_item_id -start_date $start_date -end_date $end_date -name $name -description $description -item_type_id $item_type_id -calendar_id $calendar_id -edit_past_events_p $edit_past_events_p return } } # Convert from user timezone to system timezone if { $start_date ne $end_date } { # Convert to server timezone only if it's not an all-day event # otherwise, keep the start and end time as 00:00 set start_date [lc_time_conn_to_system $start_date] set end_date [lc_time_conn_to_system $end_date] } db_dml update_event {} # update the time interval based on the timespan id db_1row get_interval_id {} db_transaction { # # If a cal_uid is given, update the attributes in the # cal_uid mapping table # if {$cal_uid ne ""} { # # We have to determine the activity id for the upsert # operation in cal_uids. # set activity_id [db_string select_activity_id { select activity_id from acs_events where event_id = :cal_item_id }] #ns_log notice "======= cal_uid_upsert with activity_id $activity_id" db_exec_plsql cal_uid_upsert {} } # call edit procedure db_exec_plsql update_interval {} # Update the item_type_id and calendar_id set colspecs [list] lappend colspecs "item_type_id = :item_type_id" if { $calendar_id ne "" } { lappend colspecs "on_which_calendar = :calendar_id" db_dml update_context_id { update acs_objects set context_id = :calendar_id where object_id = :cal_item_id } } db_dml update_item_type_id [subst { update cal_items set [join $colspecs ", "] where cal_item_id= :cal_item_id }] calendar::do_notifications -mode Edited -cal_item_id $cal_item_id callback calendar::item::after_edit -cal_item_id $cal_item_id } } else { ad_return_complaint 1 [_ calendar.start_time_before_end_time] ad_script_abort }Generic XQL file: <fullquery name="calendar::item::edit.select_recurrence_id"> <querytext> select recurrence_id from acs_events where event_id= :cal_item_id </querytext> </fullquery> <fullquery name="calendar::item::edit.update_activity"> <querytext> update acs_activities set name = :name, description = :description where activity_id in ( select activity_id from acs_events where event_id = :cal_item_id ) </querytext> </fullquery> <fullquery name="calendar::item::edit.update_event"> <querytext> update acs_events set name = :name, description = :description, location = :location, related_link_url = :related_link_url, related_link_text = :related_link_text, redirect_to_rel_link_p = :redirect_to_rel_link_p where event_id = :cal_item_id </querytext> </fullquery> <fullquery name="calendar::item::edit.get_interval_id"> <querytext> select interval_id from timespans where timespan_id in ( select timespan_id from acs_events where event_id = :cal_item_id ) </querytext> </fullquery>packages/calendar/tcl/cal-item-procs.xql
PostgreSQL XQL file: <fullquery name="calendar::item::edit.update_interval"> <querytext> select time_interval__edit ( :interval_id, :start_date::timestamptz, :end_date::timestamptz ) </querytext> </fullquery> <fullquery name="calendar::item::edit.cal_uid_upsert"> <querytext> select cal_uid__upsert(:cal_uid, :activity_id, :ical_vars) from dual </querytext> </fullquery>packages/calendar/tcl/cal-item-procs-postgresql.xql
Oracle XQL file: <fullquery name="calendar::item::edit.update_interval"> <querytext> begin time_interval.edit ( interval_id => :interval_id, start_date => to_date(:start_date,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI'), end_date => to_date(:end_date,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI') ); end; </querytext> </fullquery> <fullquery name="calendar::item::edit.cal_uid_upsert"> <querytext> begin cal_uid.upsert(:cal_uid, :activity_id, :ical_vars); end; </querytext> </fullquery>packages/calendar/tcl/cal-item-procs-oracle.xql