callback::acs_mail_lite::incoming_email::impl::notifications (private)

 callback::acs_mail_lite::incoming_email::impl::notifications \
    -array array [ -package_id package_id ]

Defined in packages/notifications/tcl/notification-callback-procs.tcl

Implementation of the interface acs_mail_lite::incoming_email for notifications. Notification listens to replies sent out initially from notifications. According to the notification signature <EmailReplyAddressPrefix>$object_id-$type_id@<EmailDomain> it tries to figure out for which notification type the email was from.

The type corresponds to the service contract implementation. If the object_id exists notification creates an entry in the table notification_email_hold and tries to inform implementations of acs_mail_lite::incoming_email interested. Since the service contract NotificationType is implemented only once for a package the table acs_mail_lite_reply_prefixes is used simply figure out which package corresponds to the found type_id and has a valid package key. If a package key is found the callback implementation is called.

An array with all headers, files and bodies. To access the array you need to use upvar.
The package instance that registered the prefix
Nima Mazloumi <>
See Also:

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 callback callback (public) db_0or1row db_0or1row (public) db_dml db_dml (public) db_transaction db_transaction (public) notification::email::bounce_mail_message notification::email::bounce_mail_message (public) callback::acs_mail_lite::incoming_email::impl::notifications callback::acs_mail_lite::incoming_email::impl::notifications callback::acs_mail_lite::incoming_email::impl::notifications->callback callback::acs_mail_lite::incoming_email::impl::notifications->db_0or1row callback::acs_mail_lite::incoming_email::impl::notifications->db_dml callback::acs_mail_lite::incoming_email::impl::notifications->db_transaction callback::acs_mail_lite::incoming_email::impl::notifications->notification::email::bounce_mail_message

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