callback::acs_mail_lite::incoming_email::impl::notifications (private)

 callback::acs_mail_lite::incoming_email::impl::notifications \
    -array array [ -package_id package_id ]

Defined in packages/notifications/tcl/notification-callback-procs.tcl

Implementation of the interface acs_mail_lite::incoming_email for notifications. Notification listens to replies sent out initially from notifications. According to the notification signature <EmailReplyAddressPrefix>$object_id-$type_id@<EmailDomain> it tries to figure out for which notification type the email was from.

The type corresponds to the service contract implementation. If the object_id exists notification creates an entry in the table notification_email_hold and tries to inform implementations of acs_mail_lite::incoming_email interested. Since the service contract NotificationType is implemented only once for a package the table acs_mail_lite_reply_prefixes is used simply figure out which package corresponds to the found type_id and has a valid package key. If a package key is found the callback implementation is called.

-array (required)
An array with all headers, files and bodies. To access the array you need to use upvar.
-package_id (optional)
The package instance that registered the prefix
Nima Mazloumi <>
See Also:

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 callback callback (public) db_0or1row db_0or1row (public) db_dml db_dml (public) db_transaction db_transaction (public) notification::email::bounce_mail_message notification::email::bounce_mail_message (public) callback::acs_mail_lite::incoming_email::impl::notifications callback::acs_mail_lite::incoming_email::impl::notifications callback::acs_mail_lite::incoming_email::impl::notifications->callback callback::acs_mail_lite::incoming_email::impl::notifications->db_0or1row callback::acs_mail_lite::incoming_email::impl::notifications->db_dml callback::acs_mail_lite::incoming_email::impl::notifications->db_transaction callback::acs_mail_lite::incoming_email::impl::notifications->notification::email::bounce_mail_message

No testcase defined.
Source code:
    ::callback::acs_mail_lite::incoming_email::contract__arg_parser {*}$args

    upvar $array email

    set is_auto_reply_p 0

    #TODO: we need to check if it Auto-Submitted header exists or "Out of Office AutoReply" in Subject

    if { $is_auto_reply_p } {
        ns_log Notice "acs_mail_lite::incoming_email -impl notifications: message $email(message-id) is from an auto-responder, skipping"

    set from [notification::email::parse_email_address $email(from)]
    set to [notification::email::parse_email_address $email(to)]

    set to_stuff [notification::email::parse_reply_address -reply_address $to]
    # We don't accept a bad incoming email address
    if {$to_stuff eq ""} {
    # This is not an e-mail notification can work with. Maybe bounce ?

    # Find the user_id of the sender
    ns_log Notice "acs_mail_lite::incoming_email -impl notifications: from $from"
    set user_id [party::get_by_email -email $from]

    # We don't accept empty users for now
    if {$user_id eq ""} {
        ns_log Notice "acs_mail_lite::incoming_email -impl notifications: Unknown sender with email $from. Bouncing message."
        # bounce message with an informative error.
        notification::email::bounce_mail_message  -to_addr $from  -from_addr $to  -body $email(bodies)   -message_headers $email(headers)  -reason "Invalid sender.  You must be a member of the site and\nyour From address must match your registered address."

    lassign $to_stuff object_id type_id
    set to_addr $to
    set headers $email(headers)
    set bodies $email(bodies)

    db_transaction {
        ns_log Notice "acs_mail_lite::incoming_email -impl notifications: Creating a reply for user: $user_id, object: object_id: $object_id, type_id: $type_id."
        set reply_id [notification::reply::new  -object_id $object_id  -type_id $type_id  -from_user $user_id  -subject $email(subject)  -content $email(bodies)]
        db_dml holdinsert {}

        #extending email array for notification callback implementers
        set email(object_id) $object_id
        set email(type_id) $type_id
        set email(reply_id) $reply_id
        set email(user_id) $user_id

        if {[db_0or1row select_impl {
            select impl_owner_name as package_key
            from acs_sc_impls
            where impl_id = (select min(sc_impl_id)
                             from notification_types
                             where type_id = :type_id)
        }]} {
            ns_log Notice "acs_mail_lite::incoming_email -impl notifications: calling notifications::incoming_email implementation for package $package_key"
            if { [catch {callback -impl $package_key notifications::incoming_email -array email} error] } {
                ns_log Notice "acs_mail_lite::incoming_email -impl notifications: $error"
        } else {
            ns_log Notice "acs_mail_lite::incoming_email -impl notifications: No corresponding package registered for type_id $type_id"

    } on_error {
        ns_log Error "acs_mail_lite::incoming_email -impl notifications: error inserting incoming email into the queue: $errmsg"
XQL Not present:
PostgreSQL, Oracle
Generic XQL file:
<fullquery name="callback::acs_mail_lite::incoming_email::impl::notifications.holdinsert">
        insert into notification_email_hold

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