callback::application-track::getGeneralInfo::impl::faqs (private)
Defined in packages/faq/tcl/faq-callback-procs.tcl
callback implementation
- See Also:
- callback::application-track::getGeneralInfo::contract
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
Source code: ::callback::application-track::getGeneralInfo::contract__arg_parser {*}$args db_1row my_query { select count(f.faq_id) as result from faqs f, acs_objects o, dotlrn_communities com, acs_objects ac where o.object_id=f.faq_id and com.community_id=:comm_id and o.context_id = ac.object_id and ac.context_id = com.package_id } return "$result"XQL Not present: Generic, PostgreSQL, Oracle